Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The details of the story of this major theory change , a change that took place over one and a half centuries , do not lend support to the methodologies advocated by the inductivists and falsificationists , and indicate a need for a different , more complexly structured account of science and its growth .
2 Thus many techniques for analysis and reaction presented through in-service training as ‘ cut flowers ’ , have failed to grow in schools because they do not make sense to the teachers once back in their schools .
3 So far as the whole personality does not fall victim to the pressures either of the external environment or what one might call the internal environment of its own parts — in the form of various lusts and obsessions — it achieves its only conceivable goal , that of prosperous possession , in the fullest manner , of its own nature .
4 It will be apparent from the earlier discussion that a simple assertion about helping old people maintain their independence does not do justice to the subtleties of achieving a balance between independence and dependence which is acceptable or tolerable to the old people concerned .
5 The English courts will not give effect to the acts of an unrecognised government …
6 I obviously can not swear allegiance to the principles of equal opportunities then justify the exclusion of some students purely because of the severity of their disability .
7 The formula rewards authorities with large numbers of local independent providers and does not allocate resources to the authorities from which residents using that independently run care originated .
8 On Dec. 15 the Bissau government sent a protest note to the Senegalese authorities over the violation of its borders , reiterating that it did not provide support to the rebels .
9 Officially , Britain does not provide advisers to the Salvadoreans .
10 However , the statistics seriously underestimate the incidence of rape , since the majority of women do not report cases to the police , considering that they have faced quite enough distress without taking such a case through the courts .
11 While there were fluctuations , it seemed officers in charge did not draw attention to the periods when dependency levels were lighter .
12 We can not abandon people to the horrors of primitive siege warfare , so the ramshackle institutions of the United Nations will have to be drastically overhauled to cope with this crisis and others like it which are festering in an increasingly unstable world .
13 Where an undertaking refuses to co-operate with the Commission , the Commission can not force access to the premises , but it can call for the assistance of the relevant national authorities in carrying out an active search for evidence and the national authorities must co-operate in providing such assistance .
14 Those responsible for implementing the change will be thwarted in their efforts if they can not have access to the resources they need .
15 At this stage , as Ernst & Young does not have access to the shareholders ' list , it is unaware of the numbers involved , but it estimates that compensation payments may total £1.4m .
16 ‘ You do not have access to the books ? ’
17 She is portrayed as a victim of a patriarchal and backward culture , trapped in a position of victimage because she does not have access to the resistances offered by Western culture .
18 Modules , in this sense , do not have access to the contents of other modules and , in Carl Hewitt of MIT 's immortal words , ‘ modules should n't be able to dicker around with the insides of their neighbours ’ .
19 I have also accepted the advice of a number of organisations , including the TUC , that , for security reasons , union members should not have access to the names and addresses of other union members .
20 They can not take people to the outpatients ’ clinic …
21 One afternoon did not blind Brady to the demands of the future , however .
22 Does he further agree that , at this critical time of ordering , building and commissioning that submarine fleet , we should not pay attention to the recommendations of the two main Opposition parties , whose opinion appears to vary , not merely from day to day , but from hour to hour ?
23 Now that sheep-stealing , forming trade unions and various other minor offences do not merit transportation to the colonies , a similar pardon may be granted to those who had been deemed worthy of such punishment in a different age .
24 It may well be that the police did have justification in their reasonable fear that a breach of the peace would ensue if they did not remain where they were , and if they did not issue instructions to the appellants to leave .
25 ‘ I can not refuse entry to the owners .
26 You do n't need access to the files .
27 In an interview with La Stampa yesterday , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA chief Carlo De Benedetti condemned the pervasive system of political corruption , which he says obligated Olivetti to pay bribes or lose contracts , as ‘ having reduced Italy to a state worse than the Third World ’ : he says that at the last shareholders meeting earlier this year , he had to deny any bribery because he could n't preview information to the shareholders that was intended for the legal authorities ; he says that facing the judges , he felt liberated from a weight — ‘ then I felt a sense of justice — it pleased me to be there , ’ noting that when the company decided that the demands of the postal service for slush funds became too extreme and Olivetti stopped paying , ‘ we did n't sell another machine to the Post — we had arrived at the absurd point where , if we did n't pay , we did n't work and the moment we quit paying , we did n't work any more ’ .
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