Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Exclusion of liability for breach of warranty does not cover breach of a condition ( Wallis Son & Wells v Pratt & Haynes [ 1911 ] AC 394 ; Baldry v Marshall [ 1925 ] 1 KB 260 ) .
2 The sceptical argument therefore claims that you can not make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself .
3 If the Z88 can not make sense of the string or the day/date is impossible , a " Bad syntax " error will be reported .
4 The child can not make sense of the world without pattern , without events that repeat .
5 The reply , then , it can be said , does not make use of a feature of effects independent of their being necessitated events , which feature can be used to argue that they are necessitated events .
6 An observational study of a production line , say , although it might want to talk a great deal about the alienative effects of such work , could not make use of an attitude scale in the way that a questionnaire study might .
7 The benefit of this form of publicity is that it could reach those in the home ( women , unemployed , disabled ) and especially those who can not make use of the coverage in newspapers ( i.e. the blind ) .
8 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
9 As hard as I tried , I could not make use of the staff , so I carried it , hobbling like a stage imbecile .
10 I will not make use of the ransom theory in my retelling of the drama , but I shall cling on to the primitive belief , which I believe to be the correct biblical one , that God 's atonement in incarnation and cross was the crucial victory in the Great Battle not only over sin but also over the Devil and the powers of darkness .
11 At present , many health workers do not make use of the information that can take up to 60 per cent of their time to record on forms and in registers .
12 ( We have taken care here to ensure that an unscrupulous user could not make use of the calculus of expressions to reason about the large scale structure of programs .
13 Of these , 102 episodes fitted the criteria described in the methods section , which were designed to ensure that the effects of swallowing or straining did not influence assessment of the effect of reflux on UOS pressures .
14 Secondly , Meshkinpour did not regard confirmation of a diagnosis as influencing patient management whereas we felt that it was of value in certain situation such as in patients with suspected achalasia before myotomy .
15 The report comes out strongly against the imposition of trade sanctions against countries on environmental grounds : in an implicit reference to the recent US action against tuna imports from Mexico [ see ED 55 ] , the report says , " a country may not restrict imports of a product solely because it originates in a country whose environmental policies are different . "
16 The analysis is logically correct and often convenient for purposes of exposition , but it is only an analysis and should not eliminate consideration of the tort of negligence as a whole .
17 After consulting with other departmental Select Committees , however , the Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) said in its Eighteenth Report for 1988–9 ( HC 354 ) that they did not consider deferral of the publication of departmental reports to March ( spring ) to be a satisfactory way of bringing the reports alongside the estimates and publication of both documents to January .
18 Further , accuracy is better because the method does not consider portions of the utterances with low credibility until they become possible extensions of the current best interpretation , whereas a left-to-right strategy is forced to deal with unpromising portions as they occur in the utterance .
19 Davis had suspected that for to could not introduce complements of the verb want , and one particular native speaker , when questioned , had confirmed this tentative hypothesis .
20 It does not include members of the Cabinet or Government , or of the shadow Cabinet , and , unfortunately , is not even allowed to include Parliamentary Private Secretaries .
21 But even if treating our awareness of our own mental states as topic-neutral plausibly explains why we are not aware of our brains as such when we are aware of our mental states , it does not explain why knowing fully about the brain does not include knowledge of the nature of experience .
22 PERT and CPM do not permit loops to be formed and can not accommodate repetition of a job .
23 PERT and CPM do not permit loops to be formed and can not accommodate repetition of a job .
24 MPs were taken by surprise when Labour managed to secure an emergency debate yesterday on last week 's announcement that a defeat on the social chapter would not prevent ratification of the treaty .
25 The adoption by the BCP congress of a moderate reformist manifesto did not dissuade members of a BCP faction calling itself the Alternative Socialist Organization ( ASO — the most radical of several pro-reform factions which had emerged in the party in January ) from carrying out a threat to split from the BCP and form a new social democratic party .
26 Accordingly , please confirm as a matter of urgency that the Phase 2 development annotated on drawing no. 576/SKO2 is shown for illustrative purposes only and does not comprise part of the planning permission being sought under application no. 111/92 .
27 The helper obviously did not do part of the actions denoted by the infinitives in these sentences .
28 This is not the case when the bare infinitive construction occurs with an inanimate subject either : despite Wood 's contention that " we could scarcely say These tablets will help you sleep " , since the tablets , being inanimate , " can not do part of the sleeping " , the following have been found : ( 26 ) That [ = the injection ] was to help you relax .
29 The note to this rule in the 1993 White Book suggests that service on the defendant 's solicitors in England pursuant to an unqualified oral agreement by them to accept service is good service but points out that this practice of endorsement is unnecessary and unsafe since by itself it does not give notice of an intention to defend .
30 Christopher did not give details of the US aid programme , but he offered some general ideas .
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