Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Early in the year , SCS could report a record quarter for increases in sales , capital and membership , reflecting a picture of growth over the year that did not dispel fears of the adverse influence of political involvement on trade .
2 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
3 While the current agreement does not cover sales of the resultant kit , Ionica managing director Nigel Playford obviously has sees that as the next move : he cites Northern 's ability to exploit overseas markets through its international support and distribution operations as ‘ key factors ’ for choosing the Canadian manufacturer .
4 The mask will then arrive and terminate activity in the letter-detector level — but it will not affect activity in the word-detector level .
5 The problem of budgetary control does not affect revenues in the same way as expenses .
6 The Ministry emphasized that closure would not affect trade between the two countries .
7 Although there may be heavy rainfall during the winter , a deciduous tree 's roots can not absorb water from the cold soil quickly as water evaporates from its leaves .
8 We shall not make changes to the assisted areas , at least in the lifetime of this Parliament .
9 Although the Act does not make reference to the current climate of opinion about sexual explicitness , juries in obscenity trials are enjoined to keep in mind the current standards of ordinary decent people .
10 Then Labour 's education spokeswoman , Hilary Armstrong said Mr Fallon 's assurances were worthless because he can not make commitments for the next Government .
11 But this principle on account of its very generality can not throw light on the above distinction , and as a result the concept of individuality remains ambiguous and obscure .
12 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
13 Apart from Lineker claiming Taylor had a personal vendetta against him , he also suggests Taylor did not treat players in the proper manner .
14 We do not regard money as the only measure of success .
15 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
16 The example auditors ' reports given in the exposure draft are unlikely to help narrow the expectations gap because they do not include references to the inherent limitations of financial reporting and , in particular , to the need to recognise that the balance sheet is not intended to be a statement of a company 's net worth and that there can not be a guarantee that the company will survive as a going concern .
17 While their manoeuvring with Jaguar is in part defensive — ensuring that the other does not win control of the British car maker — both Ford and GM were ‘ clearly anxious to improve their slumping image in this market ’ , he said .
18 On June 28 she announced that she would not seek re-election in the forthcoming general election .
19 Prime Minister Esko Aho announced on Sept. 16 after talks in Brussels at the European Commission that Finland would not seek entry into the European Communities ( EC ) before the beginning of 1992 .
20 Many of those institutions would not seek incorporation for the obvious reasons .
21 The television set demands your attention ; you can not enjoy television from the next room .
22 I could give many other examples which would kill once and for all the idea so often propounded by the opponents of local income tax that such a tax would not benefit people on the lowest incomes .
23 But they do not bring air to the underlying issues .
24 Customary by the mid-thirteenth century , largely due to Innocent 's introduction of such a scheme , such taxes , however , did not bring money into the papal coffers but were granted to the leaders of the crusades , through there was a widespread belief that money collected for the Crusade by Philip the notary was doing exactly that , and in 1202 Innocent ordered an investigation .
25 Should the local authority refuse to initiate formal proceedings for some reason , perhaps because they are of the opinion that the odour does not amount to a statutory nuisance or they themselves are causing the offending odour , then an individual complainant may himself take summary action under s.99 of the Public Health Act 1936 , ( see Chapter 3 ) but may not bring proceedings in the High Court .
26 In abstract areas like these , statistical calculations , however sophisticated they may be , do not do justice to the complex web of inter-relationships .
27 It did not do justice to the biblical doctrine of atonement .
28 I can not do justice to the disagreeable impression that this man , one Broadhurst , had upon me …
29 He is known to have favoured that , but it is rejected by the report as a ’ a crude device which can not do justice to the different abilities a pupil may show in different subjects and contexts ’ .
30 Kerna is represented as valorous : This was no ordinary name , and it was familiar to almost all Javanese for the Bharata Yuda was famous as performed in the wayang kulit , the so-called shadow play , though that description does not do justice to the whirling world beyond the lighted screen ; a world of magic .
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