Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think we tend to eat much faster , if you like , and , and to take more snacks , and I think it 's interesting that the rise of the use of a coffee table ties in a lot with the rise of people having televisions in their front rooms , because introducing the television made all kinds of changes into , just the way people arrange their chairs , not centring them round the fire any more , and a coffee table 's a very neat addition to that kind of arrangement .
2 Amy 's not using it at the moment , oh goodness me .
3 ‘ The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
4 Order , I am not in , I am not allowing anything outside the scope of the debate Mr Michael Spicer .
5 I think you can be much more relaxed about the way your child 's growing up if you 're not over-investing yourself in the way it grows up , if you follow me .
6 Shah Jehan , not contenting himself with the women he had in his palaces , forfeited the respect of his nobles by intrigues with their wives …
7 Do you mind not pressing her about the drowning ?
8 I 'm not keeping him on the hop , but I am making a joke of things .
9 I 'm not patting myself on the back — it 's a highly competitive business and one needs selfish , single-minded dedication to succeed , but because female comics were rare in my day , competition was negligible , and I was able to be generous .
10 We 're not announcing anything about the team at present .
11 ‘ The Methodists never made much headway with the Machin family , ’ said Rose , still keeping her distance and not looking him in the eye .
12 A win for Akinwande , who beat the much-hyped Herbie Hide for the 1989 ABA title , will elevate him close to a world top-10 rating , if not pushing him into the elite of one of the four organisations .
13 He blamed the suppliers of the chemicals and British Steel , who contracted him to do the work , for not warning him about the safety procedure .
14 They 're not paying anything at the moment on laybys .
15 Exactly and if you do n't pay it , and there are a few silly old so and sos not paying it at the moment , I mean the rest of us have had to pa
16 He was taken , not recalling anything about the journey , to the home where his father was ; one inmate was kept above stairs , the other below .
17 He was not supporting me in the way I felt he should support me .
18 Well I 'm not buying anything at the moment but if you wan na have a look round .
19 In these experiments , the rats learn the new trick best at those times when they remember the old trick least well : it is as if a rat can learn a new trick more easily when its memory is not muddling it with the memory of the old trick .
20 The quest for identifiable crime-prone personality types has included learning theorists as well as heredity theorists , psychoanalysts ( ‘ anti-social ’ or ‘ affectionless ’ personality theories ) , and studies not concerning themselves with the question of how such types come about .
21 And they 're not getting them at the moment .
22 For not getting it in the nets .
23 I was not accompanying her to the home but was treating her to a taxi all the way .
24 In a day-long hearing students who oppose the plan say academics broke college rules by not consulting them about the plan .
25 ‘ I ca n't wait to get at it , but I 'm not saying anything about the ideas behind it 'cause people will be doing it before I get the chance . ’
26 ‘ Oh , I 'm not saying anything against the room — it 's just that she might prefer the privacy of a chalet — ’
27 ‘ I ‘ m not doing it for the money .
28 ‘ I 'm not doing it for the money , ’ said the new Bob .
29 You 're not doing it at the party ?
30 But it 's not doing it at the moment , although there 's
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