Example sentences of "not [vb pp] to [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet this radical worker , formed in the revolutionary school of before 1848 , was to make his mark on labour history as the cautious , moderate and above all efficient administrator of the greatest of the ‘ new model ’ skilled unions , the Amalgamated Society of Engineers ; and was both a practising Anglican churchman and ‘ in politics a sound and consistent liberal , not given to political quackery in any form ’ .
2 ‘ They are old , practically all of them are over 60 , and traditionally not given to any kind of positive relations with blacks , ’ he said .
3 He was making sure they were not exposed to any form of light source , however muted .
4 Two principal ( albeit contradictory ) difficulties arose : the belief of the governments of some member states ( including the UK ) that any such procedure should be voluntary , and the fact that Vredeling was not limited to collective representation of employees through trade unions .
5 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
6 And and a funny thing is , it 's not limited to social class within Holland itself .
7 However , the shapechangers had not travelled to this planet in a space hopper .
8 He 's the kind of musician he admires because he 's not confined to one kind of music and is willing to extend people 's perception of that music and that 's what he 'd like to do .
9 But , submits Mr. Moses , the scope of the section is not confined to that form of access to any computer .
10 Such aspirations , and such a view of the inter-relationship of librarians and educators , are not confined to this side of the Atlantic .
11 This was not related to any change in adhesive properties .
12 It is curious that the House of Commons is not seen to better advantage during the passage of legislation on criminal justice .
13 It is , however , important to consider what the organisations might have dome had they not resorted to this form of flexibility .
14 You are not drawn to that sort of work ?
15 I think the only drawback in that was , it 's been discuss , that , if you are dealing with money here you are expected to be , but I ca n't see that 'll make any difference because we 're not tied to National cost at the bazaar are we ?
16 We held hands all the way through Live Aid , having not spoken to each other for a week , and then rushed off to the Post Office as soon as we could with our three pounds .
17 They have not spoken to each other for the past 10 years .
18 Two people have not spoken to each other for months and during that time the sun has gone down day after day upon their anger with each other .
19 Remarkably , four out of these five had not spoken to each other since 1939 .
20 This trait is not restricted to one variety of style , for we can observe it both in passage [ 3 ] ( " though ( of course ) an undeniably fine infant " ; remorseless twins they are for striding through their human forests , notching as they go " ) ; and in passage [ 7 ] ( " as is not unusual in men of transparent simplicity " ) .
21 Still the previous spills of asbestos in the factory had not led to any action by the workers .
22 One of the most notable developments in the Soviet Union , contrary to the confident expectations of Soviet and Western Marxists as well as modernisation theorists , is that rapid socio-economic development in the USSR has not led to any decrease in ethnic attachment among the minority nationalities .
23 Although these conditions place a premium on the ‘ intangibles ’ of technical and market knowledge , they have not led to full verticality in the firms ' fixed assets .
24 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
25 Preferential treatment is not extended to foreign investment in shipping agencies or travel agencies , and on the retail side joint ventures ( 51% Singaporean ) are preferred .
26 Were , we 're not attached to any sort of department , like housing or leisure , were actually in the organisation , were in the general management department and were not alone erm , the planning er originally the general manager 's department and the winners and equality unit are in that department as well and the general manager has his own erm policy , officer and secretarian , so were in the general manager 's department and in other Council 's that would be known as the Chief Executive Department .
27 I had n't come to any grief by not having a comprehensive view of that crocodile pool , ignorance really was bliss that day ; but when it comes to organizing a major event , failure to see the overall picture from the start can blight the whole business .
28 I had n't come to this place with the conscious intention of divesting myself of my now cumbersome virginity ; but from the moment I saw the actor again — certainly from the moment his arms went round me and I felt the sense of fond familiarity , of affection rediscovered — I knew it was inevitable that we should , sooner or later , make love .
29 She ai n't used to this kind of pressure .
30 I ai n't used to this sort of thing .
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