Example sentences of "not [vb pp] the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
2 Many of the lowest attainers have not distinguished the concepts of angle and space or length and so need tasks and concomitant criteria which attempt to clarify the distinction .
3 Iraq has not designated the wetlands for protection under the international Ramsar convention .
4 If there was recognition that older people have the capacity but are not given the opportunity for participation and decision-making in , for example , the way residential care and nursing homes are run , then a lot of things would have to change .
5 Only John of Ferentino , who acted for Innocent as a notary when subdeacon , was made a cardinal but he was not given the title of chancellor .
6 They contrast with such attitudes as we are content to leave as our own merely personal inclinations and which are therefore not given the dignity of expression in a statement .
7 When late in 1972 Richard Leakey announced he had dug up the skull , thighbone , and parts of the lower leg of a human that were more than 2 ½ million years old , thus , if correct , disproving man 's direct descent from Australopithecus , many anthropologists seated in leather armchairs in universities not immediately adjacent to East Africa swiftly challenged Leakey 's conclusions , this despite the fact that they had not examined the bones in question , the strata in and near which they had been found , the animal bones found in the same strata , or indeed anything .
8 Section 2(5) of the 1959 Act reads : " A person shall not be convicted of an offence against this section ( ie the offence of publishing obscene material ) if he proves that he had not examined the article in respect of which he is charged and had no reasonable cause to suspect that it was such that his publication of it would make him liable to be convicted of an offence against this section . "
9 Ramsey was still 18 and had not shed the spots of adolescence .
10 Transcendental Meditation would have remained in the East if Western Christianity had not forgotten the mysticism of meditation .
11 The court held that such a clause was prima facie unreasonable under s 3 , and that , as he had not discharged the burden of proof upon him to show that the clause was reasonable under the circumstances , the plaintiff could not rely on it in order to obtain summary judgment .
12 The District Council have not addressed the issue of washing-over the village of Skelton within the greenbelt as this is a new issue not raised by .
13 For one thing , they have not addressed the tension between certainty and justice .
14 When libraries have not addressed the demands of information users , other institutions have sprung up to do so .
15 I had not expected the level of exposure , the narrowness of the arêtes , the commitment .
16 The Kingfisher offer document , says Dixons , has not disclosed the extent of property disposal profits , or where they have been taken .
17 We have certainly not confined the area of search for the new settlement
18 Through informal contact with civil servants at the Board of Education , he learned that the Cambridge Board had not approached the Board of Education for approval to its plans to provide Chapter III courses in counties beyond its existing recognition in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire .
19 Leapor insists that she has not exaggerated the perils of marriage :
20 I have not noticed the Secretary of State for Transport coming to the House with orders to reverse that process .
21 One is not comparing like with like , however , and the grammar schools had a slightly more advantaged intake , less ambiguity as to the goals of the school and had not suffered the upset of reorganisation .
22 Although in the case of the UK there have been substantial additions to the official reserves in recent years ( a consequence of foreign exchange market intervention , even though the UK has , technically , a floating or market-determined exchange rate ) this growth in the reserves has not matched the increase in capital flows .
23 Her parents had not accepted the grounds of referral to a children 's hearing , that L had been the victim of an offence , and the case had gone before Sheriff Sir Stephen Young at Greenock Sheriff Court .
24 A decade has not made the concept of Thatcherism attractive to the British people .
25 Although they accept that the laws of war apply to the use of these weapons , their conclusion is that ‘ they can be used lawfully if civilians are not made the object of attack and if collateral injury to civilians is not disproportionate to the military advantage being sought ’ ( Builder and Graubard , 1982 , p. viii ) .
26 Instead , we shall zoom in on the ‘ new boys ’ two of which are far from new and have not seen the light of day for many a long year .
27 Certainly in ordinary language the accused has not secured the remission of liability because the victim does not remit the debt in these circumstances .
28 The 1350s had seen relatively little fighting at an ‘ official ’ level , but the decade had witnessed the growth , in both numbers and size , of bodies of soldiers who , although sometimes finding local employment , more often than not roamed the countryside in search of adventure and the easy pickings of war .
29 The loan of similar garments had been offered to both Alexei and Jotan ; but Alexei had not felt the need of protection from the elements and neither , apparently , had Jotan , although he had borrowed a sword .
30 Some of the assumptions of the programme , however , had not withstood the test of time , and there were elements of ‘ detachment from reality , undue anticipation and unnecessary detail ’ .
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