Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We shall see that employers are key actors within industrial relations and that they possess a considerable margin for defining their own policies which are not wholly determined in response to the actions of unions , or to economic and political pressures .
2 Symptoms were compared with those before treatment and were scored as follows : ( 0 ) no symptoms ; ( 1 ) major symptoms cured , patient pleased with result of treatment ; ( 2 ) some improvement , patient not wholly satisfied with result of treatment ; ( 3 ) no change in symptoms .
3 The maternity grant and the death grant , two benefits initiated in the Beveridge era but not properly updated in line with inflation , were abolished , to be replaced by means test-related benefits for the very poor .
4 It is undoubtedly true that Hansard and particularly records of Committee debates are not widely held by libraries outside London and that the lack of satisfactory indexing of Committee stages makes it difficult to trace the passage of a clause after it is redrafted or renumbered .
5 It is not widely used for research outside the military because of the cost of high fidelity simulator time .
6 ‘ It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that he and other persons ( not being his employees ) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety . ’
7 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
8 This disposable income is not all directed into consumption on goods and services produced by firms in the domestic economy because some portion will be saved and some part will be used to purchase goods and services produced by firms in other countries ( i.e. imports ) .
9 The eastern extremity of the spit is not greatly affected by waves from the south-west , but comes under the influence of north-east winds blowing down the Solent .
10 By building the picture up slowly in this way , the patient is not suddenly confronted with demands for details before he has settled comfortably into the personality and environment of the person he once was .
11 ( This is a goodwill payment , not necessarily based on admission of error ) .
12 Making a case for the complexity of woman 's position as spectator , both critics stated that spectators are not necessarily locked into identification with their own gender but are able to take up multiple identifications , whether simultaneously or in succession .
13 Simulation of geographical systems is not necessarily motivated by considerations of cost or avoidance of hazard , but more by the desire to experiment on systems that are either too slow-acting relative to the human life-span or which present ethical problems to the would-be experimenter .
14 However , copying is not necessarily limited to duplication of substantial parts and it is possible to copy a computer program in a wider sense .
15 This is consistent with the view that their struggle to stay awake is not necessarily punctuated with periods of somnolence , or microsleeps , but shows a compelling tendency to slip down the arousal continuum .
16 Erm , nor I think are there any proposals to change the grading or pay honorarium to P As to reflect there work on these files , er , I 'm not sure whether the assumption that this would n't be taken into account by the W R is sound , because I think one of the principles that I recall was that he were meant to ensure that that each of these job evaluation panels had somebody from each office so that an account could be taken of the different practices , I mean I 'm sure that , I 'm sure that each of the three offices in the er deal with things in a different way , so that er what gets done by one person here is not necessarily done by people in Coventry and York , and that in fa in London , and that also holds good in the other way , I think .
17 A " class " for this purpose is not necessarily identified by reference to the category of shares which members hold .
18 For there is indeed an observable general tendency ( however deeply complicated by historical and cultural diversity ) to distinguish and to value kinds of work which meet no immediate and manifest need , of an everyday practical kind , and which are at least not necessarily taken as evidence of some metaphysical or non-human dimension of reality .
19 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
20 Thus , in social science much research activity is directed at simply describing how things work , how conversations are organised , how slaughtermen do their work , how managers manage , what police-officers do on the beat , and so on ; activities which are not especially motivated by explanation as the point of inquiry .
21 This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics .
22 As an infection carried on the air and in milk , diphtheria was not much affected by changes in living standards .
23 Saving , he maintained , depends mainly on the level of national income and is not much affected by changes in interest rates .
24 However , most normal materials are not much affected by considerations of dynamic and static loading .
25 It had some medicinal use as well , but was not much eaten in Britain until the 17th century .
26 I had wondered once whether that was the reason my father had married her , but that was before I had learned that men are not much given to acts of altruism , and certainly not in sexual matters .
27 Perhaps we 're not so bothered about value for money after all .
28 There the register-keeper was well and truly confused , since he not only referred to children of ‘ Charles William Titford , Linen Draper , Bishopsgate Street ’ — a nomenclature which we are used to by now — but also made an error when it came to wife Anne 's name — she appears as ‘ Mary ’ .
29 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
30 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
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