Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 All at once Jehan realised that Jehana had not yet given her reasons for consenting to betrothal with Alexei .
2 ( 11–12 February 1778 ) as if to add insult to injury , Leopold received Mozart 's letter telling him that he had not yet finished his commissions for the Dutchman :
3 Intergraph Corp , Huntsville , Alabama warns that while it has not yet closed its books for the first quarter , preliminary estimates indicate that turnover will be lower than expected at between $280m and $285m , and that all geographic segments were below expectations for the quarter , and price reductions on older products combined with lower sales volume resulted in reduced gross margins ; the company expects a loss from operations excluding restructuring charges of $8m to $10m or $0.11 to $0.13 per share and restructuring charges and non-operating items during the quarter will increase the losses by an additional three cents a share .
4 The fact was that both young women shared an unspoken anxiety for Fleury 's safety and though Louise had not yet confided her feelings for him to Miriam , she really did not need to do so for these feelings were plain enough already .
5 At our Annual Review of the Qualified Teachers Further Training Fees it came to our notice that many of you have not yet paid your fees for this year .
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