Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We shall see that employers are key actors within industrial relations and that they possess a considerable margin for defining their own policies which are not wholly determined in response to the actions of unions , or to economic and political pressures .
2 Symptoms were compared with those before treatment and were scored as follows : ( 0 ) no symptoms ; ( 1 ) major symptoms cured , patient pleased with result of treatment ; ( 2 ) some improvement , patient not wholly satisfied with result of treatment ; ( 3 ) no change in symptoms .
3 The maternity grant and the death grant , two benefits initiated in the Beveridge era but not properly updated in line with inflation , were abolished , to be replaced by means test-related benefits for the very poor .
4 It is not widely used for research outside the military because of the cost of high fidelity simulator time .
5 Since these particular constraints do not apparently operate upon variation in subject-verb agreement in standard English , which in turn is affected by a different set of constraints ( see Huddleston 1984 : 241 ) , we must assume that the surface variants of the verb which occur in the two dialects are embedded in structurally different grammars .
6 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
7 This disposable income is not all directed into consumption on goods and services produced by firms in the domestic economy because some portion will be saved and some part will be used to purchase goods and services produced by firms in other countries ( i.e. imports ) .
8 The general intention in each case was not to screen the train completely , but to ensure that trains did not suddenly come into view without warning , for that would have given no time for a rider or driver to control the horse , which might otherwise bold or unseat its rider .
9 ( This is a goodwill payment , not necessarily based on admission of error ) .
10 Making a case for the complexity of woman 's position as spectator , both critics stated that spectators are not necessarily locked into identification with their own gender but are able to take up multiple identifications , whether simultaneously or in succession .
11 However , copying is not necessarily limited to duplication of substantial parts and it is possible to copy a computer program in a wider sense .
12 Transfer of training from a simulator to a real situation is never complete and does not necessarily increase with degree of fidelity .
13 It 's not it 's not as straightforward , the conclusions in respect of one may not necessarily apply in respect of the other .
14 A " class " for this purpose is not necessarily identified by reference to the category of shares which members hold .
15 For there is indeed an observable general tendency ( however deeply complicated by historical and cultural diversity ) to distinguish and to value kinds of work which meet no immediate and manifest need , of an everyday practical kind , and which are at least not necessarily taken as evidence of some metaphysical or non-human dimension of reality .
16 Richard Wright 's study suggests that whilst police do not necessarily look for evidence of extreme violence , they do seek evidence of some violence or threat .
17 The haulier will not necessarily know from week to week what products are to be transported — if any — but must have a range of vehicles available to cover all eventualities .
18 This would be a step in the right direction , however the 2 teams would still be separate within the organisation and would not necessarily operate in practice as one team .
19 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
20 Enough to put together a good story but not enough to rush into print with it . ’
21 Thus , in social science much research activity is directed at simply describing how things work , how conversations are organised , how slaughtermen do their work , how managers manage , what police-officers do on the beat , and so on ; activities which are not especially motivated by explanation as the point of inquiry .
22 This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics .
23 Perhaps we 're not so bothered about value for money after all .
24 In other words , Bukharin completely forgot that the extended reproduction … must not only lead to growth of c and v but also to that of α , i.e. to the growth of the individual consumption of the capitalists .
25 Earth not only grew by aggregation from a cloud of particles , but by collisions with other cosmic matter .
26 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
27 Graduates not only contribute to industry with their knowledge and practical experience of current practice and methodologies , they bring new ideas to that industry .
28 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
29 But Miss Dallam would not only feel at ease with it but would look well in it too .
30 Howard was not only thanked by Parliament for his humanity and zeal ; he even had copies of the Act printed at his own expense and distributed to all gaol keepers .
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