Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the clinical and educational professions ( and the lay notions which derive their values from them ) , their very practice makes it clear what fact it is that you ‘ come to terms ’ with : you have not given birth to a member of the human species as we define it , and to which we allocate certain rights and social roles , but to an object of pathology — a ‘ monster ’ , to use a technical term employed in medical anatomy .
2 This unbalanced , choleric individual is a mad dog who should be shot and not given command of a kingdom .
3 He may be a little abrasive at times , he maya not come pre-packaged with a lot of safe rock attitudes , but he is one of the true independents .
4 The area deserved a better treatment : I had not done justice to a part of northern England where I had wandered as a youngster and often visited later , developing an affection that has persisted into old age .
5 It so happened that on one of these Sundays my CO strolled by at the same time , and the AOC asked him why he had not seen Mahaddie for a pilot 's course .
6 On Feb. 26 the Chief Prosecutor announced that charges of diversion of public funds against Honecker were being dropped since he had not had access to an account holding money paid by West Germany to buy the freedom of East German political prisoners .
7 Lear , however , as he constantly complained , had not had training as an engraver ; and , in an effort to find a medium that would serve his publication without drawing excessively on his limited resources , he turned to the novel technique of lithography .
8 Although the Government promise action to preserve hedgerows , they have not produced proposals for a hedgerow protection Bill .
9 Sir Bryan Carsberg , director general of Telecommunications , gave the order because operators had not raised £660,000 for a compensation fund to pay those whose phones had been used without permission .
10 He had arrived in the late afternoon of a perfect summer 's day , was shortly to go off to the Alps and then the Himalayas and had not touched rock for a couple of years , so the urge for activity was upon him .
11 There must be few people in modern industrial societies who have not taken part in an interview for a social survey for the purposes of market research , public opinion polling or academic research ( see Chapter 4 ) .
12 The ensuing changes have not taken place in a vacuum , but have had to take account of existing industrial relations institutions and practices .
13 Such remarks would not be so noteworthy if they had not sent Julia into a frenzy of concern and inward panic .
14 Significantly , another housewife mentioned the fact that housework is not paid work as a reason for disliking it ; she said she would be happier doing someone else 's housework for pay than doing her own work .
15 Ted would sometimes wonder if he had n't made Pete into a kind of surrogate son to fill the hole that Shaun had left … it was impossible to say for sure , and nothing to be ashamed of anyway .
16 ‘ Going out there on a new board and catching my first wave when I had n't surfed Pipeline for a year only reaffirms my confidence . ’
17 and , and , well and to you as well Viv but er I have n't seen Viv , I have n't seen Pete for a while .
18 Oh he 's in hospital , I did n't know a thing about it , I 've been saying when we 've been to the Pentam , we have n't seen Trevor for a while , we have n't seen Trevor , and even Barry at the Pentam did n't tell me , he thought I knew
19 ‘ We ai n't got time for a drink , ’ he says .
20 Five minute tea break , breath of fresh air , have n't got time for a cigarette though , unless you 're very , very quick .
21 I have n't got time for a lot of stuff .
22 ‘ Other players have had a similar problem and have n't needed surgery for a number of years .
23 Have n't had chips for a while .
24 ‘ We have n't had rabbit for a while .
25 Ai n't worn condoms for a while .
26 ‘ Down here we have n't set eyes on a banana for years !
27 After Annie had left , Kelly realized that she had n't asked Cy for a lift home .
28 A Jewish lesbian who breaks the Sabbath and most of the Commandments , eats forbidden food and has n't put foot into a synagogue in twenty years … ’
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