Example sentences of "not [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Even if the accused does not fall within s.2(1) , he may still be not dishonest for the purposes of the Act .
2 The courts have held that if there is no evidence that the accused believed that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary people , the judge need not give a direction in Ghosh terms : Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 on handling ; Price ( 1989 ) 90 Cr App R 409 on deception ; and Squire [ 1990 ] Crim LR 341 on conspiracy to defraud .
3 The jury , however , does not ask whether the accused believed he was acting with the relevant state of mind , but under the Theft Acts as well as offences of fraud the jury must acquit if the accused believed that what he did was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
4 Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 held that the second stage of the Ghosh test does not have to be given in handling cases if there is no evidence that the accused did believe that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
5 A claim of a moral right to the asset does not fall within s.2(1) ( a ) , but may be not dishonest within the principles to be discussed shortly .
6 Sylvia , currently in Moss Side , is not untypical of the women in special hospitals today .
7 In a prefatory motto for the book he quotes from Freud to the effect that ‘ perhaps we must make up our minds to the idea that altogether it is not possible for the claims of the sexual instincts to be reconciled with the demands of culture . ’
8 Ann Ellis , 40 , of Warrender House , Haywood Road , Moffat , pled not guilty to the charges at Dumfries Sheriff Court and trial was fixed for June .
9 When his trial opened at the Tokyo District Court on Sept. 22 , however , he caused widespread consternation by pleading not guilty to the charges of making illegal payments .
10 I am afraid you 're not used to the ways of the bazaar , Captain Owen .
11 It is not usual for the advisers of the Crown to draw people out of important work when they have hardly had a chance to do what they have undertaken .
12 ‘ The face of nature under one broad and universal glare ( a cloudless midsummer day ) is not propitious to the feelings of an anxious spectator ; but this monotony can only be of short duration , because the declining sun … produces shadows ; these gradually expanding , uniting and finally on the setting of the sun … exhibit an almost infinite variety of form , of tone and of colour . ’
13 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
14 Casual appointments are not pensionable under the terms of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme .
15 Res. on the clifftop that joins Thurso to Scrabster are not interested in the loads of driftwood washed up below .
16 But they are not interested in the reasons for it , in the sort of alienation which Asian women feel at these groups .
17 ‘ The Mamur Zapt is not interested in the likes of us . ’
18 As the news became grimmer , a poster appeared with the words , ‘ We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat — they do not exist ! ’
19 Morgan was not interested in the terms for themselves but in the principles which they seemed to reveal when they were put together .
20 Not unfamiliar with the habits of police forces both in East Africa and West London , she felt it was , on balance , unlikely .
21 The application was remitted back to the board for reconsideration by the sheriff , who held that the food being provided in the public houses was not similar to the facilities to be provided by the applicant for the restaurant licence .
22 As an act of God , Easter is not accessible to the methods of historical investigation .
23 Although not unaware of the benefits in increased production which the new agrochemicals had allowed , she drew attention , in a passionate book , to the long-term dangers : With words like these Rachel Carson placed farming practice at the centre of what was to be an often rancorous controversy about the compatibility of efficient , profitable and cheap food production with the ecological balance of the countryside .
24 Yet the liberals of 1812 were involved in the myth of the people who had risen while the aristocracy had remained inert and they were not unaware of the advantages of creating a class of small peasants devoted to the liberal revolution — again an implication of their interest in the French Revolution .
25 The extreme lightness of the diaphragm further assists fidelity by responding instantaneously to very tiny signals and transients , and the proximity to the listener 's ears means that the sounds are not subject to the vagaries of directivity and unwanted reflections .
26 Larger animals which are not subject to the whims of wind and current may flash by or come closer for a brief look .
27 The second is the position apparently preferred by the police itself : where it is not subject to the whims of party politics and can develop what it considers to be the best safeguard for the community — the professionalization of the police force , in other words , it wants to be regarded as a profession and , like the medical and legal professions , to be left to do its job according to its own discretion .
28 The liability may be strict , but it is not absolute as the exceptions to the rule indicated by Blackburn J. himself show .
29 Naturally enough this kind of discourse is not unrelated to the facts of the situation .
30 If a text which is palpably linguistic is construed with a linguistic theory as its most immediate context , then the text must , indeed , illustrate the features of the theory of language in question , as long as the surface marks are not inconsistent with the categories of the theory .
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