Example sentences of "not [adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They are not interested in the helping the kids enjoy themselves .
2 The movie is ambitious in its mix of fantasy and realism , and there 's a sustained central performance from Iain Glen , but the big problem is that the subject himself is not fascinating in the way the Krays were .
3 If you are not happy with the way the program has arranged any of the increases or decreases , you can manually adjust them to suit your requirements .
4 However , he was not happy with the way the NRA had dealt with the campaign .
5 But the victims ' families are not happy with the way the inquest has been handled .
6 But the families of the victims were not happy with the way the inquest was conducted .
7 The Wiener Werkstatt was not social-critical in the sense the British Arts and Crafts movement was .
8 It might be that the survey was aimed at testing a hypothesis that happily-married couples tend to vote more conservatively , while unhappily married couples vote more radically , but if this was not apparent to the informant the questions on marital relations would probably seem irrelevant and impertinent .
9 He is not wild in the way the Duke of Windsor was wild , nor headstrong like Princess Margaret .
10 But she was n't worried about the way the script finished up and had apparently asked for changes herself .
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