Example sentences of "not [prep] be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As I 'm no longer to live here I would also be pleased not to be troubled by the police . ’
2 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
3 But I defy anyone looking at any part of the earth 's history closely and with an open mind , not to be struck by the super-abundance and ubiquity of particular fossils .
4 In the late eighteenth century , John and William Hunter had built up collections of anatomical specimens for teaching purposes ; the Hunterian Collection in London became one of the sights not to be missed by the intellectual tourist in the early Victorian period , when Richard Owen was in charge of it .
5 In 1973 the tide turned with a 5-to-4 majority ruling by the Supreme Court in Miller v California that obscenity , as narrowly defined , was not protected by the First Amendment , and that each state could set its own standard : ‘ People in different States vary in their tastes and attitudes , and this diversity is not to be strangled by the absolutism of imposed uniformity . ’
6 The vague reformism of the epoch was , in these circles , channelled into an even vaguer brand of aristocratic constitutionalism which revived the claims of the old ‘ rich men ’ ( ricos hombres ) of Castile ; grandees could stomach rule by career bureaucrats but the career of court favourite was an aristocratic preserve not to be exercised by the ‘ sausage maker ’ , Godoy .
7 If the value is not to be determined by the auditors , there has to be unanimous agreement of the shareholders .
8 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
9 In Kirchberg , small flower-decked open air cafes , are dotted about , and we defy anyone not to be tempted by the gateaux on offer .
10 In Tynan v. Balmerls ( 1966 ) forty pickets in a continuous circle around a factory ( which had the effect of sealing off the highway ) were held not to be legalized by the Act of 1906 because their action was a nuisance at common law and an unreasonable use of the highway .
11 A cuckoo 's egg is conspicuously larger than the host 's eggs to our eyes but the egg is sufficiently similar in pattern and colour not to be detected by the foster parents .
12 Not to be warmed by the sun .
13 A second objection is that where both parties carry on business in Contracting States they can reasonably be subjected to the Convention automatically since it forms part of their national law , whereas parties carrying on business in different non-Contracting States who agree that their contract is to be governed by the law of a third State which is a Contracting State may well have in mind only the domestic law of that State and arguably ought not to be bound by the Convention unless they contract into it .
14 On the facts the Court rejected this argument , but the operation of Article 36 ( 2 ) would allow a single dissentient not to be bound by the decision .
15 The French expedition guides were determined not to be defeated by the River Coruh , rated as one of the ten best white water rafting rivers in the world , and I was determined to stay in a raft for more than 20 seconds .
16 The identification of non-natural user with conduct creating an abnormal risk that ought not to be borne by the public has given to the courts a device for determining liability in accordance with what they consider to be public policy .
17 Only we can know how it really feels not to be liked , not to be wanted by the rest of the rugby world . ’
18 We admire a St Bennet on briers , a St Bernard freezing in the ice , and a St Francis in the snow , these saints were cruel to themselves not to be overcome by the devil ; but Rose punishes herself to preserve others .
19 I hung about further down the street , hoping not to be seen by the few people who were strolling there .
20 Consequently Leeds-born Wharton is keen not to be misled by the past performances of future opponents Schaefer included .
21 Not to be eclipsed by the opening of Euro Disney , which is seen as a short-break destination , Disney World is celebrating its 20th birthday throughout 1992 with new parades and attractions , thereby redoubling its efforts to attract thousands of transatlantic guests for a two-week ‘ holiday of a lifetime ’ .
22 Although the Commissioners are committed not to be swayed by the national interests of their own countries , it is clear that Sir Leon Brittan , the Competition Commissioner , has come up against stiff opposition from his colleagues when he has investigated anti-competitive behaviour in some of their countries , most recently over his veto of the Franco-Italian takeover of De Havilland in October 1991 .
23 … it would be inconsistent with the equitable nature of the relief for the bank not to be affected by the undue influence exerted by its agent when the transaction would not exist but for the wrongful acts of its agent .
24 As we have made clear in answer to issue ( 4 ) , the undue influence is required to have brought about the transaction , and it would be inconsistent with the equitable nature of the relief for the bank not to be affected by the undue influence exerted by its agent when the transaction would not exist but for the wrongful acts of its agent .
25 But although I found it impossible not to be moved by the vibes and hype of enthusiastic publicity people and charming sales teams , there is no getting away from the fact that it is going to be a very tough year , with too many major titles to be able to do justice to them all ; and I do n't see any real evidence of anyone pruning their lists .
26 Knowing the circumstances under which it was written , it is hard not to be moved by the urgency , intricacy , skill and spacious breadth of this extraordinary work .
27 That kind of independence is not to be achieved by the student acting purely independently .
28 It was important to me not to be silenced by the fear the anonymous caller invoked .
29 K : ‘ A lot of it is determination not to be beaten by the system .
30 During the propaganda war that was waged between Sandys and the Services , the Air Staff were not to be outdone by the Admiralty .
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