Example sentences of "not [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This death of Solomon reissues would be understandable if it were not for treatment given by EMI to other pianists .
2 It was there that I made my one and only good find , not of course taking into account the brass washout pipe plate .
3 Adult deaf activities were not of course confined to sports .
4 It was an act of confidence , based on strength , not of fear based on weakness .
5 This phenomenon will be illustrated using pseudo-synonymy , although pseudo-relations are not in principle limited to synonymy .
6 The Christians called ‘ pagans ’ those who had not in baptism enlisted in Christ 's militia for the battle against satanic idolatry and superstition .
7 Important changes in the doctrine of precedent were also made in midgame : judges were persuaded or persuaded themselves that they were not in fact bound by court decisions their predecessors had taken as binding .
8 Lilla was not in fact made for Penrhyn Quarry but for Cilgwyn Quarry .
9 If the process of the construction of knowledge can be shown to work against itself , this can operate because the ideas of the dominant order are not in fact threatened by alternatives which , with hindsight , may appear radical to us now .
10 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
11 Lord Bridge did not in fact refer to section 6(1) of the Act of 1977 which was the precursor to section 69(1) , but I accept that he must be assumed to have had it in mind .
12 But , to spike the guns of barrack-room lawyers , it is expressly stated that it is not a defence to prove that the documents prepared were not in fact prepared in accordance with the Act .
13 Though Xorandor resigns himself to his fate , he tells the children a secret : he has not in fact come from Mars at all but is a member of a race that has been living on Earth for millions of years , communicating over vast distances through radio pulses in binary code .
14 It was not in fact published during Marx 's or Engels 's lifetime .
15 Such a record might appear to be an occasion for delight in consumers and pride in the industry , but it did not in fact arise from efficiency increases ( indeed physical indices of efficiency showed a decline because of inadequate investment in new plant ) .
16 She was annoyed to discover that Wendy was not in fact married to Ken : it meant she had to tear up one certificate and start making out another .
17 As we shall see in the next chapter these very high strengths are not in fact confined to glass fibres but can be got from almost any solid , glassy or crystalline .
18 By AD 500 , there were probably bananas in Madagascar , imported from Asia , though some authorities believe Madagascar was not in effect colonized by man until 500 years after that .
19 ‘ I 'm not in line to go to bed with you in order to keep my job ! ’ she told him bluntly .
20 The first clear indication of a real shift in attitude towards the Roman Empire comes not from evidence relating to Euric himself , but rather from a letter of Sidonius discussing the accusations levelled against the prefect of Gaul , Arvandus , in 468 .
21 Admittedly a society can not without self-extinction dissolve into units smaller than minimal families , so that an untrammelled egoism is possible only under limited conditions .
22 Since , as has throughout been common ground , the defendants were not at liberty to divulge to others information acquired as agents for Mr. Brant , the defendants could not tell the plaintiff the true position without breaching their duty to Mr. Brant .
23 Discussions are ongoing with a famous commercial radio station ( named after a nearby river ) whose identify I am not at liberty to reveal at present .
24 It was true that he was not at present living among gentlemen .
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