Example sentences of "not [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 forty , twenty five watts or less , forty watts nominal the ones I 'm running not through a hundred watt channel , er
2 It will provide you with two sides of an A4 sheet giving you very little detail about the property except that it is or is not worth the agreed purchase price .
3 This is a somewhat unusual view , for prophets of disaster usually see it just as a disaster , not as a necessary stepping stone to something better .
4 Use a GUI , and treat your computer as a tool , not as a five year mission .
5 All these groups are concerned that the EC should develop organically as a co-operative trading bloc and not as a bureaucratic United States of Europe .
6 Beryl Chapman , the author , has written a small workbook based on many years of experience for a variety of people to use , not as a large reference book .
7 With appropriate management attitudes , the element of the group labelled ‘ dog ’ can be encouraged to seek self-renewal , i.e. as an organizational entity , not as a particular product line .
8 However , their deployment is justified in nuclear ideology , not as a potential self-defence second-strike force , but on the basis that they will never have to be used , since their possession alone deters a potential enemy , and therefore it does not constitute a threat to use illegal weapons .
9 If Ben Leggatt had earned his living , not as an odd job man at Weston Longville rectory but as a private soldier in one of His Majesty 's foot regiments billetted in Bungay , he would have found the shopkeepers overwilling to let him take away purchases on a promise to pay later — had it not been for the ‘ Crying Down The Credits ’ .
10 I did this but it 's not for a few weeks time for my presentation on Freud , or
11 The travellers say they 'll move on , but not for a few days.Ken Goodwin reports .
12 Not for the great Jonathan Crawford .
13 If it was not for the Grand Slam tournaments and the unique place they hold in the game , I am sure we would be losing this vital battle . ’
14 Not for the first time Delaney looked into the eyes that were deep , infathomable pools of green , and at the copper-coloured hair falling around the high smooth cheek bones ; at the small upturned nose and a mouth just large enough to hint at the animal sensuality lying dormant beneath the surface .
15 Not for the first time Annabel Croft is responsible .
16 Again his gaze was intent , and not for the first time Robbie cursed the need for evasion , the maintenance of her fiction concerning Hugh .
17 Fen suggested , and not for the first time Robbie wished she could clear up this misapprehension .
18 Not for the first time Selvey painted the best picture .
19 Not for the first time Charles reflected that growing up is a myth ; getting older is just an intenser form of childhood .
20 Not for the first time Salisbury found it was easy to attract a large audience for a free show .
21 Not for the first time Rostov wondered why he had been selected for this particular mission .
22 Not for the first time Matey noted that his first thought was of his maid .
23 Both were convicted and sentenced to hang , ironically for a mass of mundane crimes , and not for the Royal Mail robbery that had made them so famous .
24 If it were not for the debilitating character question , Clinton would surely have a fair chance of beating Bush .
25 organised by an individual or group with responsibility for this area among a number of others , but not for the whole course programme :
26 Success rates are provided for the whole sample taking the test items , not for the three attainment bands defined in Chapter 3 ( pp. 27–40 ) .
27 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
28 If the memory of the association of a given flavour with illness can be taken to be more important than the memory that the flavour has also been experienced without harmful consequences , then the latter memory would interfere after a short but not after a long retention interval .
29 The strain of the foster colony is chosen for good mothering ability and preferably the coat colour should be different from the animals to be fostered , or the mating arranged so that the natural young of the foster mother are not of the same coat colour as the pups to be fostered .
30 Congress , not so long ago we had Panorama and I T V , and I congratulate both of 'em , for highlighting to the world the problems of temporary and low paid part-time workers , where one agent went under cover and where Panorama highlighted that temporary working conditions , not of back-street sweatshops , not of the little corner shops down the road , or th or the little needlework factories , but of E M I , one of our biggest producers in this country , that they were employing labour for one year eleven months and twenty eight days and then sacking 'em .
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