Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It is true that the section does not expressly refer to proceedings by way of injunction as such ; but , as I have previously said , the breadth of the section is such as to embrace injunction proceedings , brought under the power subsequently conferred by section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 , when such proceedings are necessary .
2 ‘ It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that he and other persons ( not being his employees ) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety . ’
3 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
4 My diagnosis of the increased gap between the participants implied by the Sidneian constellation is strengthened by Lyons 's argument that ‘ whereas first and second person are the positive members of the category of person , third person is essentially a negative notion ’ , because ‘ it does not necessarily refer to participants in the situation of utterance ’ .
5 However , copying is not necessarily limited to duplication of substantial parts and it is possible to copy a computer program in a wider sense .
6 It is however apparent that differences in comprehensive income measured in this way do not necessarily correspond to differences in ability to pay , defined in terms of opportunity sets .
7 This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics .
8 I had wondered once whether that was the reason my father had married her , but that was before I had learned that men are not much given to acts of altruism , and certainly not in sexual matters .
9 Come to think of it , not much happened to Anna from the time Simon left us till she died — fifteen years or nearly .
10 There the register-keeper was well and truly confused , since he not only referred to children of ‘ Charles William Titford , Linen Draper , Bishopsgate Street ’ — a nomenclature which we are used to by now — but also made an error when it came to wife Anne 's name — she appears as ‘ Mary ’ .
11 In other words , Bukharin completely forgot that the extended reproduction … must not only lead to growth of c and v but also to that of α , i.e. to the growth of the individual consumption of the capitalists .
12 Graduates not only contribute to industry with their knowledge and practical experience of current practice and methodologies , they bring new ideas to that industry .
13 The next day in the House of Commons he was able not only to listen to tributes to himself — a rare experience normally confined to a man 's widow — but to perform the role of an out-of-season Father Christmas .
14 However , the image of modern families as isolated and inward-looking does not only extend to relationships with kin .
15 I had not long returned to England after a visit to my old mission of Cameroon on the West coast of Africa .
16 The argument of counsel to the contrary effect and , indeed , some of the judgments — e.g. the reference by Pollock C.B. , at p. 91 , to the plaintiff as a ‘ quasi-corporation ’ — seem to reflect a confusion of thought about identifying the company with its members that was not finally laid to rest until the decision of the House of Lords in Salomon v. Salomon and Co .
17 Indeed Franco-Russian disputes on this issue flared up briefly once more in the 1760s and were not finally laid to rest until 1772 .
18 Information on PNC is not generally restricted to officers of a certain rank .
19 Even so , that mixture of emotion and social need , of personal pride and territorial inspiration , which we call honour , is not easily brought to life for young readers .
20 The numbers were vast and this was very largely because the movies were not just appealing to sections of the masses but to the masses in general .
21 For his coronation he did not just go to Aachen to be ‘ elected ’ king of the Franks in the old way , but dressed up in Frankish costume for the occasion .
22 ‘ The problem is worldwide , not just limited to goods from the Far East , and is rife within Europe , ’ says Anthea Worsdall , secretary of the Anti-Counterfeiting Group .
23 Although crime occurs across all social classes , and is not just restricted to individuals from working-class backgrounds , official statistics show a clear link between social class and crime .
24 Secondly , because of the very great power which the government can wield over its citizens , the law has traditionally imposed on governmental agencies special duties of procedural fairness ( embodied in the rules of natural justice discussed in Chapter 8 ) which do not normally apply to dealings between private citizens .
25 For an eleven year old schoolgirl , it 's not easy coming to terms with having a plastic eye .
26 So , while product development has been impressive , and confirms a certain level of re-investment , it does not usually lead to development of medium-sized businesses with tangible assets .
27 With a U-form structure , in which the functional basis of decomposition is preserved all the way up the hierarchy , more of top management 's time is devoted to these operational matters , whose pressing need for resolution gives them an urgency not usually attached to issues of a more long-run , strategic kind .
28 Since weak left handers were observed to have sinistral relatives more frequently than strong left handers , Hécaen and Sauguet inferred that " the intensity of left handedness is not directly related to bilaterality of language representation or to familial left handedness .
29 Privatisation will not inevitably lead to changes in public perception .
30 If Labour could not win at a time of economic gloom , bolstered by the most effective campaign it has ever fought , and facing a Government whose campaign did not really come to life until the last 10 days — then when could it ?
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