Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Democracy , then , in Syracuse , Akragas and elsewhere , meant the rule of a prosperous agricultural class , which did not necessarily regard Carthage as an enemy , or benevolent co-existence with Carthage as a sin .
2 The scene does not necessarily present Brutus in an unfavourable light .
3 That is the most fallacious part of the argument : drawing a distinction between French and German anti-Semitism is not enough to exonerate Vichy of an anti-Semitic policy .
4 But a jackpot of £2,350,000 was not enough to keep Kirkley in a job .
5 But it was not enough to commend Stanley to the City of Worcester Conservative and Unionist Association .
6 Experience has shown that it is not enough to train PHCNs for a year and then send to isolated rural clinics .
7 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
8 The Helliwell family not only supplied Ethel of the Iron Will but her twin sister Alice , and elder sisters Elsie and Mabel .
9 Gorbachev eventually proved willing not only to condemn Stalin for the imprisonment and execution of loyal Russians in the 1930s , but also to concede that Stalin had secretly divided eastern Europe with Hitler in 1939 .
10 Indeed , Tan not only confirms Corbett at the level of the Court of Appeal , but extends it beyond marriage into , it appears , a case of general application , an outcome which Ormrod J. may not have intended or desired .
11 So linkage would not only turn Saddam into the colossus of the Gulf .
12 Like Tom , she could not really see Liza in the role of ministering angel , nor could she imagine her out in all weathers driving a tractor .
13 Perhaps he should extend it , for he had not yet taken Alice to the promised lunch at the Ritz , or been up to Leicestershire to see Mrs Appleby , or fulfilled his promise to Jenny to go down to Calking to see the shop and meet Jack and his family .
14 She could n't just leave Steve in the lurch after all they had done to get the business together .
15 Wendy , very kindly , checked Billy 's carriage on her own machine when it was giving trouble and when , rather embarrassingly , it blew a fuse on Wendy 's console , she did n't even charge Billy for the replacement and repairs .
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