Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He emphasized that " NATO is not the whole of the Atlantic alliance , and not all questions can be settled at that level " .
2 But that was not the whole of the Webbs ' criticism of Owen 's grand project for the reconstitution of the economy as a set of nationwide industrial co-operatives , one for each trade or industry .
3 The subject is the possibility of an attempt to normalize relations with Argentina , not the sovereignty of the Falklands , which is the ‘ Great Unmentionable ’ of mid-eighties Whitehall .
4 3 Of course New Yorks is not the capital of the USA. 4 It is well known that Maths is harder than English .
5 Whether or not the Chairman of the KGB ( Victor Chebrikov ) , the Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Eduard Shevardnadze ) and the senior Party Secretary for defence production ( until July 1985 Grigori Romanov ) , have the formal status of permanent members , it is clear that they are in regular attendance , as very likely are the Chairman of the MVD ( Vitaliy Fedorchuk ) and the Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission ( Leonid Smirnov ) .
6 Is not the problem with the TGWU the fact that the only objective that it regards as important in the House is to support the Labour party ?
7 The Brother spoke from memory , and indeed his theme today was not the structure of the Legiones Astartes .
8 It is not the shape of the Laffer curve that is in dispute .
9 ‘ It 's not The Teahouse of the August Moon you know ! ’
10 However , the Commission ruled that this was not the case with the Oxleas Wood and Kinneil cases .
11 The BCG matrix was chosen because it had clearly measurable axes for hypothetical examples , which is not the case for the McKinsey-GE matrix .
12 This is not the case for the Riemann tensor : it vanishes wherever space–time is flat , whatever generalized coordinates are chosen .
13 This might have been the case in France or West Germany ; but , as the administration rapidly found out , it was not the case in the United States .
14 This is not the case in the United States .
15 A review of empirical work by Gramlich ( 1977 ) indicates that this is not the case in the USA .
16 ‘ This is not the way to the Mercury Garden , ’ it announced .
17 Whether or not the procession from the Ravenhill Church and the barracking of the Presbyterian Church Assembly had been designed to constitute a direct challenge to the government , things were moving rapidly in that direction .
18 Not the workmanship of the Beaufort stonemason or metalsmith , I 'd say . ’
19 Adhesion generally occurs readily and if not the quality of the PLL coating should be questioned .
20 I hope the drivel which appeared in the Sunday Times was not the result of a Vatican briefing , because it would be a terrible thing if the Holy See went the way of Westminster and Liverpool .
21 Specifically , it is not the role of the GMC to decide medical controversies .
22 It was not the end of the Orcs of course , and in the following years Sigmar took the battle deep into the forests and mountains , rooting out Goblin strongholds and driving his enemies ever deeper into the wilds .
23 They say a Greene King victory would mean closure for the Abingdon brewery , but not the end of the Morland name .
24 That would be ill advised and , I am sure , is not the intention of the NCB .
25 It 's not the business of the TAS squad to prove a community crime . ’
26 The most comprehensive environmental survey ever carried out in Brazil has revealed that the country 's most serious environmental problem is not the destruction of the Amazon rainforest but the pollution of its cities .
27 Although not every member of the Essex Federation Executive shared these views , Brown 's successors as tutor-organiser for the county understandably found the context a difficult one to work in .
28 You can join the library for £75 if you are not a member of the CIB .
29 May 1990 : nomination by Najibullah of Khaleqiar ( who was not a member of the PDPA ) as Prime Minister and appointment of new Cabinet [ see p. 37453 ] .
30 Although the pilot was not a member of the PFA , he was aware of the requirement to land at Cranfield by 1230 hrs — an air display was due to start at 1300 hrs ( 1400 hrs local ) .
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