Example sentences of "not [be] a [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
2 France had not been a party to the negotiations , had not enjoyed the same privileged access to US nuclear technology , and possessed neither the submarines to launch Polaris nor the warheads to arm them .
3 The resolution , which had been given provisional approval on Tuesday night , declared the Congress 's support for fundamental economic reform and pledged there would not be a return to the Communist administrative-command system .
4 The development of the law of peace along these lines would not be a return to the acceptance of the legality of armed conflict as an instrument of national policy , but it would involve the articulation of a theory of the just war , however dangerous this may seem .
5 It is surely reasonable that taxes should be designed to be easy and cheap to collect , difficult to avoid and should not be a discouragement to the enterprise and effort of those paying them .
6 If possible , any reference to subtenants , licensees and casual callers ( eg customers ) should be deleted and there should most certainly not be a reference to the avoidance of the policy by acts or omission of other tenants in a multi-occupied building or shopping centre .
7 The use of Creole need not be a response to a prior use of Creole .
8 I would therefore argue that one of the chief tasks of education , perhaps its overriding task , is the education and encouragement of a child 's imagination , so that he may not be a slave to a perception confined solely to the present , a perception that is little more than blindness .
9 That this was a problem of significance is suggested by the request of bishop Dalmatius of Rodez , that his successor should not be a stranger to the diocese .
10 The novelist must not be a party to the bad habits of the reader .
11 The chief constable can not be a party to the appeal , unless he formerly objected to the original application ( Hutcheon , cit . ) .
12 While , therefore , the performance may not be a detriment to the promisee , it is certainly a benefit to the promisor .
13 According to Levi these " understandings " included the following : ( i ) Israel would not be obliged to accept the principle of " land for peace " ; ( ii ) the conference would have no power to make decisions and would not be used as a forum for appeal or discussion ; ( iii ) negotiations would be direct and without preconditions and would be aimed at a peace treaty ; ( iv ) the PLO would not be a partner to the process and the Palestinians would be represented by a joint delegation with Jordan ; ( v ) the UN observer at the conference would be silent and would be a personal representative of the UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar ; ( vi ) a representative of the European Communities ( EC ) would attend the opening session of the conference ; ( vii ) the USA would not allow a parallel conference to take place in the UN Security Council ; and ( viii ) the Soviet Union would renew full diplomatic ties with Israel before the start of a conference .
14 Two members of the Warnock Committee dissented from the majority to the extent of permitting surrogacy as a treatment for childlessness under the general supervision of a licensing authority ; and they also suggested that payment to a surrogate mother should not be a barrier to the child being adopted by the commissioning couple .
15 Such consent would not be an answer to a charge of assault , and the policy reasons that forbid consenting adults to engage in fighting for the purposes of assault should apply equally in the case of an affray .
16 Largely at the prompting of the Swiss representative , Professor Volken , who raised the issue as one of principle ( Switzerland , not being a party to the Convention , had no actual practical experience ) , the Commission considered it desirable that the words ‘ civil or commercial matters ’ should be interpreted in an ‘ autonomous ’ manner , without reference exclusively either to the law of the state of origin or to that of the state of destination , or to both laws cumulatively .
17 But , alone , he ca n't be a threat to the nation . ’
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