Example sentences of "not [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to the rest of the local ornithology around Yarrundi he was more confident , and in his instructions to Gilbert written on 20 January 1842 , he stipulated , ‘ The Brushes are not worth hunting for the birds . ’
2 The ‘ fatal ’ choices offered to parents and teachers at every stage of the child 's schooling can thus be examined in the light of development , not as part of a race against failure .
3 Industrial battles of this sort were almost an everyday event in Griffith 's America but here the bloody scenes are staged not as part of a labour or management film but as part of a vast , elaborate , confused , perhaps ultimately nonsensical and certainly eccentric plea for tolerance .
4 Note that where assets are acquired not as part of a TOGC and VAT is payable , the VAT liability may be treated as capital expenditure for the purpose of writing down allowances for plant and machinery .
5 The Company sold guns to the Indians , but not as part of a process of political disturbance like that caused by the slave trade in West Africa ; Indian hunters quite soon preferred guns to bows and arrows for hunting , and hunting was the basis for the Hudson Bay trade .
6 Other expressions in the contract ( such as ‘ fair average quality for the season ’ or ‘ packed in cases of 30 ’ ) can then be regarded , not as part of the contract description , but as express terms of the contract in their own right .
7 It is submitted that this approach is wrong and that it would be better to consider the database structure as a form of expression in its own right and not as part of the computer program .
8 The Labour leader knows and the rest of the party knows that there could be an election next year , in which case when Labour meets for it 's conference in autumn ninety-one , Mr Kinnock could be addressing them , not as leader of the opposition , but as Prime Minister .
9 It would avoid , on the one hand , the use of the prerogative of choice in appointing C as Prime Minister ( not as Leader of the Party but as the Leader of the majority of the PLP ) and , on the other , an automatic use of prerogative of appointment to install B ( as Leader of the Party ) , knowing that he had no Commons majority .
10 It 's not about racism in the police force , it 's not about dishonesty amongst police officers .
11 On the basis of its fauna , the area in question might qualify for protection as a nature reserve , if not for designation as a site of special scientific interest .
12 This demo 's not for sale at the moment but there 's a chance to see the band at the Wheatsheaf , Farnham , on Wednesday night .
13 Country house visiting , which had been common in the eighteenth century and Regency when everyone liked to have their taste admired , became infrequent as even the greatest houses closed their gates to visitors , persuaded that the sanctities of ‘ home ’ were not for exhibition to the public eye .
14 This back-dating of the appointment was not of significance at the time but it is an early example of how masters in Stockport could come and go without the immediate supervision of the Company .
15 After four months Alderman Joshua Smith , president of Southwark Borough Council , secured her release from prison — but not of course from the rest of her debts .
16 An egg not of shell like a bird 's : leathery rather , like a turtle 's .
17 But it seems to me that the wife might thereafter have offered to return and might have ceased to be in desertion , and that clause 2 would at that stage and in that event have been in operation : therefore it does not seem to me that it can be said that clause 2 was not of value to the husband .
18 They are not of value in the description of mature ability , nor in the description of the demands of writing for specific purposes .
19 Naturally many of these creatures are not of interest to the home fishkeeper , but even so , the scope is still pretty formidable with representatives from all the major invertebrate groups available for the aquarium .
20 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
21 The third group of parts covers several matters of importance to the insolvency practitioner , but not of interest to the businessman .
22 The attractions of the CA methodology in the study of code switching can be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The CA approach avoids premature theorising about what is or is not of interest to the analyst .
23 Though she may be old now , Lady Amory has lost none of the original excitement and enthusiasm which she shared with Sir John , and , like a true gardener , she is constantly looking forward : ‘ I do n't think a garden is the thing to keep ; it 's not like furniture in a room or a house .
24 Exports in convertible currencies — not including trade with the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( COMECON ) — rose by approximately 4 per cent , with a resulting trade deficit of $763,000,000 in 1989 , compared with $350,000,000 in 1988 .
25 He was not under suspicion at the time , although he was about to be dismissed for his indiscretions and outrageous behaviour .
26 Or , at least , not with work in the sense of going to an office or a factory .
27 In Egypt and the Near East relief-sculpture ( mostly in very flat low relief ) goes in this respect with drawing and not with sculpture in the round .
28 We 're not in favour of a right to roam on open country — if you have this it 'll override other rights .
29 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
30 She was not in favour of the work which he so loved , yet he always treated her with affection .
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