Example sentences of "not [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Jessie Scriver made a speech stating that the economies were affecting the health of the mothers , though not that of the children as yet .
2 All twenty two pleaded not guilty to the charges and were released on bail .
3 If young people are not deficient in the ways that current rhetoric suggests , then what is the explanation for the high levels of youth unemployment ?
4 Examination of data on tax relief for private health insurance premiums for over 60s , general practice fundholding , and implementation and transaction costs suggest that much of the increased efficiency is not due to the reforms but to increased funding .
5 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
6 This design was not popular with the boatmen as it gave a less comfortable steering position — it was noisier and closer to the exhaust .
7 In view of this special relationship between the state and the distribution of power within a society , it would be very surprising if political sociologists were not interested in the claims and activities of the state .
8 She was not interested in the puppets because Uncle Philip made them .
9 Does he understand that our manufacturing regions , such as the north-west , believe that the Government are not interested in the regions or in manufacturing industry ?
10 Generally the reader wants his narrator to be upright , decent , honest , and not prone to the lusts that plague other people — never ourselves .
11 Erm er it was not acceptable to the officers and the limited number of members that looked was not acceptable to them .
12 Macmillan was not unaware of the stresses and strains that Sandys ' Reformation had caused in Whitehall ; nor of the lack of confidence that had grown up between Sandys and his principal advisers , the Chiefs of Staff .
13 this explains why Golding 's choice of ending , rescue , is not anti-climatic as the choristers and schoolboys are returning to the same situation back in the outside world .
14 My Lords , as only one thousand of the twenty four thousand schools er have opted out during five years of this does not that suggest that the schools themselves and the governors and the parents to whom the Minister refers , are not convinced of the advantages and in those circumstances was she given absolute guarantee that no opt- out will be allowed without a ballot ?
15 Most groups say that their patients are not conscious of the stimuli but some have reported that their patients are conscious of them ( Barbur et al.
16 She was not sick in the mornings and when occasionally nausea swept over her it was easily put down to fatigue , or to something she had eaten .
17 Damage by eruption was not foreseeable in the circumstances but damage by splashing was .
18 Talking Pages see are n't designed to look under names they find things that you 're not sure of the names and things .
19 Secondly , not all of the areas that the MoD use are no-go areas to civilians .
20 In the end , ten republics — including some that had declared independence — agreed a joint statement which indicated that a loose union would be established based on Russia and the Central Asian republics , and that around it there would be a ‘ common economic space ’ that would include most if not all of the republics that had been part of the USSR .
21 Real costs were incurred in redirecting jobs away from more prosperous areas , and not all of the jobs that were relocated survived periods of economic slump .
22 Elections were held to ( i ) the 430-seat People 's Great Hural , hitherto the legislative body but now in effect an " upper house " with reduced powers ; ( ii ) all 53 seats in the Little Hural , the newly created standing legislature ( not one-quarter of the seats as first laid down — see p. 37454 ) ; and ( iii ) municipal and provisional People 's Hurals .
23 We ask them to read the policy , we explain bits in the booklet , we ask them to telephone us if there 's anything they 're not happy with or they 're unsure about and we will clarify that , and also we do give them fourteen days in which to cancel , so if if once they 've actually got the policy , if they 're not happy with it , or they 're not happy with the answers that we give , then they 're more than happy we 're more than happy to refund .
24 I heard Brad having a conversation again today about Ooh I do n't feel ye I heard him saying why do n't we feel very happy about this and not and not happy with the subjects and I do n't feel very happy about running the session so go up this way he 's never done the work you see so he 's trying to learn it from i instructions and things and a lot of the time you need to have actually done it to be able to talk about it
25 The domestic empiricist is not concerned with the generalities or principles underlying the cooker or the car ; he or she sees what has to be done to achieve a desired end and that is that .
26 However , this analysis is not concerned with the merits or the efficacy of policies , but with a president 's success or failure in gaining acceptance of his policies by other political actors .
27 John Masefield began his collected poems with a consecration declaring that he was not concerned with the princes and prelates , the bemedalled commander , the ‘ potentates goodly in girth ’ , but rather with the humble and unknown folk , the losers and rejected , the common sailor and soldier , the servant rather than the master .
28 Theodor Hippel wrote that women were not rational on the grounds that the German word for reason was grammatically masculine .
29 The increasing abstraction of modern art has tended to extend this distance from the immediacy of forms , and to make such art increasingly difficult to interpret for those not familiar with the conventions and history of the field .
30 One of the changes introduced since the consultation period on the SAS 's exposure draft , published in May 1992 , is a distinction between an inherent uncertainty which may be expected to be resolved at a future date and one which exists because evidence does or did exist but is not available to the auditors and so arises because of a limitation in the auditors ' work .
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