Example sentences of "not [verb] your [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pricing is a key factor ; you will want to recoup your expenses and make a profit , yet not overprice your paintings for the sort of audience you will attract .
2 Do not present your students with a poorly produced , almost unreadable photocopy .
3 And you come down through the alley way and you could not keep your feet on the floor !
4 ‘ I will happily drive you to your front door , little one , ’ he said dryly , ‘ but I have the feeling you would prefer not to waken your parents with the noise of the vulgar Alfa revving off into the night . ’
5 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
6 I think they 're also important in terms of not losing your links with the wider society .
7 ‘ Thanks , but I really do n't need your opinions on the subject . ’
8 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
9 Do n't drum your hands on the tablecloth ,
10 Accommodation Well you have n't got your stairs in the front room for a start .
11 Before the maths master started on what to sacrifice when you could n't lay your hands on a goat , or how to cope with Ramadan in a modern technological society , Robert , muttering something about the need for discipline , marched off towards Mahmud .
12 You should n't drop your books on the floor darling , cos that 's a special book .
13 But do n't starve your customers in the process — there 's no profit in that either .
14 In the summer months do n't shut your plants in a hot car or leave them in the sun while they are waiting to be loaded .
15 You should n't put your elbows on the table at mealtimes .
16 Do n't get your knickers in a twist !
17 ‘ I 'm just a small part of a team , so you need n't get your knickers in a twist trying to be polite ! ’ she snapped .
18 ‘ Yeah , yeah , do n't get your knickers in a twist , it 's in one piece . ’
19 ‘ It does n't matter how tall you are , if you ca n't get your feet off the ground , you 're no better than anyone else .
20 A happy mood is upon you , so do n't get your tonsils in a twist .
21 Yes but you ca n't open your windows in the summer .
22 Do n't waste your chances by an amateur approach to examinations : be a professional , whose professional life depends on techniques studied , argued about and practised .
23 Do n't close your ears to the world and do n't give up .
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