Example sentences of "not [verb] at the [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Catering services do not exist at the beck and call of an immature , over-wealthy child . ’
2 The analyses of both Cockburn and Dearlove imply a relationship between business and local government which did not exist at the time and could not easily be generated , whatever the ambitions of civil servants in the departments of central government , or of individual chief executives .
3 It was not held , and the decision does not involve , that when a body of trustees receive income of the trust estate not taxed at the source and proceed to distribute it among beneficiaries , they are not assessable to Income Tax and are bound to pay over the income to the beneficiaries without deduction , leaving it to the Revenue to pursue the beneficiaries .
4 Any judgment or order made against a party in his absence , ie where he does not appear at the hearing and a judgment or order is made against him , " may " be set aside , and if on the facts a refusal would involve a miscarriage of justice , the judge " must " grant the application — See Note " Discretion to set aside " under Ord 37 , r 2 ) .
5 We can not park at the weekend and people are already parking on the grass verge . ’
6 But no one has said that you can not sit at the table and talk to your family , even if you choose not to eat .
7 He , he was a real friendly guy and like I say he never said cheerio before he went , but one day he just painted his aircraft up with the D-day landing signs which we did n't know at the time and the next day he was gone of course it was very much top secret that was but the town just emptied of all Americans it was like a ghost town after them but it had been previously .
8 He had been through it before and had already told the Captain he was sure that was the car , though he had n't looked at the driver and front passenger , having been distracted by the map and by watching the traffic coming from all three directions because he wanted to cross over .
9 I ca n't remember at the policy and resources why it was decided by a majority because in in replying to this report on making our comments to this report , I first had consultations with officers to go through some of the items that we had done and issues that we had covered in this authority especially the members ' services sub committee and we knocked off the bare bones of er a report to the policy and resources committee and the policy .
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