Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I can not think of a more patsy , unquestioning system better designed to produce the cosy relationship about which the hon. Gentleman so frequently speaks .
2 But there is no question so difficult that Mr Kinnock can not think of a more difficult answer .
3 In Latin America , the supporters of Spalding 's view would argue that the working class has not developed into a fully fledged class for itself .
4 Yet ironically , recent government policies have created a situation where more and more prisoners serving life and other long sentences have rather less to lose , for it has now been decreed that various categories of serious offender will not normally be considered for parole , or not considered for a very long time ( see Chapter 6 ) .
5 The zebra loach has become so specialized that it can not survive in a less turbulent environment .
6 Also , even bureaucrats , those Weberian embodiments of modernity , do not behave in a purely rational-legal manner , we shall find .
7 In common parlance ‘ the Crown ’ probably signifies the monarch if , indeed , it does not refer to a rather elaborate piece of headgear on show in the Tower of London .
8 She was not prepared for a very similar question being thrown at her .
9 The inflation in the early stages of the universe , which the no boundary proposal predicts , means that the universe must be expanding at very close to the critical rate at which it would just avoid recollapse , and so will not recollapse for a very long time .
10 The capacity to show habituation , he observed , occurs relatively early on in the development of the baby Aplysia , while sensitization does not appear until a relatively late stage .
11 ‘ If you want me with you for a business meeting , ’ she protested huskily , ‘ you 're not acting in a very businesslike manner ! ’
12 This has not made for a smoothly running society , whose members all feel part of a common enterprise .
13 There was a flicker of response in them which Brian had not seen for a very long time .
14 This is not seen as a very attractive chore but is probably the most important of all and really depends on the goodwill of a few people under the guidance of Annie Hanlon .
15 The attention given to the listener , however , did not result in a truly interactive analysis of peer communication .
16 It was something he had not felt for a very long time .
17 Pleased and strangely girlish , which was a feeling she had not had in a very long time .
18 This does not sound like a very practical proposition , at least not in the immediate future .
19 The number of workers on the land has been shrinking at the rate of nearly 20000 per year , although this has not occurred in a completely uniform fashion .
20 The Trust adds : ‘ The immense work done by the three principal participants , Simon Pepper ( WWF ) , John Hunt ( RSPB ) and Nigel Hawkins ( JMMT ) and the crucial role played by Chris Brasher has to be acknowledged and we can only regret that their efforts were not rewarded with a more positive outcome . ’
21 This " subjective " attraction of the Soviet experiment is nonetheless not based on a purely aesthetic stance .
22 Indeed they would have argued — and perhaps with some justice — that theirs was a more refined branch of the art : for did it not demand to a quite exceptional degree a sense of the romance of the past and a feeling for an evocative relic ?
23 This left the way open for those prominent in the Essex Federation to argue that if such arrangements were acceptable during a temporary absence of tutor-organiser , there was no reason why they should not apply on a more permanent basis if the voluntary members wanted to give their ‘ voluntaryism ’ full rein .
24 The apparent undulose character of the inversion surface at top Carboniferous level may be an indication that the basement has not behaved in a particularly homogeneous fashion during the various basin inversion episodes .
25 They were not opting for a particularly expensive scheme .
26 It is vital that we preserve our own independent nuclear deterrent as protection against nuclear blackmail ; it is equally important that we take every possible step — as we are doing — to ensure that the process of rapid political change , and the change of authority that has taken place in what was the Soviet Union , do not lead to a more dangerous situation in regard to the present control and authority over nuclear weapons .
27 No claim is made for the universal usefulness of this definition ; others would have to be found for societies in which law is not defined by a relatively clear , usually written , set of rules , or in which no distinction is made between civil and criminal law .
28 Development work of this kind is the epitome of an ‘ enabling role ’ , providing that term is not defined in a very restricted way ; it can actively support a consumer-responsive , mixed economy of welfare .
29 The weather changes over the centuries , but it does not change in a specifically malevolent way .
30 If the digestion is already weakened then it will not cope with a totally raw food diet .
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