Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As I have not heard from you since sending the Information memorandum on the above group .
2 It was three days now since the wedding and yet he could not look at her without thinking that .
3 Julia let them haul her up and stuff extra pillows behind her head , but the pain sharpened and she was hard put to it not to swear at them for hurting her .
4 In return for the unions ' consent formally to acknowledge managements ' prerogatives of decision-making at plant level , employers would recognise the right of workers to join unions and would not discriminate against them for doing so .
5 Surely , if a Member of Parliament takes a G M B sponsorship they should take the whip that we give and follow our rules and not go against us by going by constituent .
6 He decided not to pander to it by asking for the admirers name .
7 Item one two four , Highways and Traffic do not agree with us on touting .
8 Do n't think of it as taking away one thinking of it , think of it as minus one , a number .
9 and say well think of the conductance , do n't think of it as resisting and stopping the water , how much can it get along and get through ?
10 She wondered whether she should ring Bridget — she still had n't spoken to her since leaving Oxford on Monday morning — but , with Jamie 's visit imminent , she shied away from the thought .
11 She had n't spoken to him since leaving the harbour .
12 She did n't mention Roman Wyatt — she could n't talk about him without wanting to scream .
13 It had been such a traumatic , agonising time , even now she could n't talk about it without feeling pain .
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