Example sentences of "not [verb] [to-vb] the fact [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and if it 's not it 's er I 'm not going to deny the fact that some people say you know this has been good for me for the last eighteen months erm I 'm er I 'm used to being self employed I 'm going to stay that way but I 'm looking at other avenues .
2 Noting this fact in respect of the document which he cites , Husameddin concludes that his not troubling to mention the fact that he was kadi of Bursa points to the grandeur and importance of his position .
3 We can not afford to ignore the fact that mental illness is culturally patterned , and even goes in fashions .
4 Stella can not afford to believe the fact that Blanche could be right .
5 But soon the colleges came to grips with Little Shop of Horrors as a topic for campus debate the world over , and they decided that Corman was telling them that he was not trying to hide the fact that it was a cheaply made film — this was the one he shot in two days — but he was n't trying to pass it off as serious movie-making either .
6 I do n't have to hide the fact that I 'm sleeping with Michael .
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