Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not using him as an excuse or anything , but I do feel he 's got a lot to do with the way my life 's been .
2 Once reconciliation has happened , it is important not to see it as the end of the process .
3 It seems better not to include it as a criterion of value , once it is clearly distinguished from probability .
4 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
5 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
6 Having grown up a northerner , I make no apologies for saying that I do not regard myself as a southerner who happens to live a few miles up the road .
7 I do not regard myself as a Euro-sceptic .
8 Orthodox constitutional theory bestows on individual members the right of independent action and does not regard them as the representative of the party without which they would not have been elected ; over-solicitude for the wishes of their constituents would probably lead them into conflict with the party in parliament .
9 For example , it could be argued that ‘ photograph ’ may be divided into two independent words , ‘ photo ’ and ‘ graph ’ ; yet we usually do not regard it as a compound , but as an affix word .
10 To know he had considered her ‘ special ’ was satisfying , but she did not regard it as a signal to fall headlong into his arms .
11 Althusser uses this case to support his claim that Marx held a complex view of social change , and did not regard it as the outcome of a single contradiction between the forces and the relations of production .
12 She thought of Giles Carnaby both continuously and not at all ; he was permanently in the head , but as some unavoidable elemental force — she could not consider him as a person , reflect upon character or deeds .
13 She hoped that if he was a churchgoer-which was unlikely these days he would not recognise her as the vicar 's wife .
14 If this was n't enough , the state does not recognise you as a mother until you are sixteen , when you are eligible to claim supplementary benefit , maternity grant and milk and vitamin tokens .
15 His handful of Masses , three of them ‘ parodies ’ of motets by his teacher Mouton , do not show him as an innovator .
16 I can not choose something as an end simply because a wiser man tells me I would want it if I understood myself better , because I can not choose ends at all by inferring from facts about my inclinations ; the choice of an end is nothing else but the spontaneous settling of inclination in one direction or other , and the honest or self-deceiving interpretation of its goal .
17 It depends on matters such as physical attributes and abilities of individuals , their monetary resources , the availability of mechanized means of transport and the appropriate infrastructure ; but it does not depend on the opportunities that may or may not present themselves as a result of moving : accessibility alone incorporates this feature ( Moseley 1979a ) .
18 I also made a documentary about the U-boat campaign which in two world wars had nearly brought us to our knees ; and I have always regretted that after the last war , when we sank so many of them in deep water , we did not keep one as a trophy and bring it up the Thames into the heart of London : it would have been a perennial attraction for every schoolboy in the country .
19 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
20 ‘ He does not see her as a woman , ’ Sydel said .
21 ‘ I do not see him as a killer .
22 A prison source told TODAY last night : ‘ Courtney does not see himself as a sex offender so he has not applied for Category C status .
23 Do not use visual aids for the sake of using them and do not use them as a defence to hide behind if you are nervous .
24 In principle , though I think it 's very difficult , as I understand it right now , you 've got to go through a rather unfriendly session of training the computer to respond to your voice , and if you say something in a slightly different way later on it may not recognize it as the word that you had previously trained it on .
25 It has already been seen that , if the defendant knows that his assailant was a policeman , it will not avail him as a defence if he mistakenly thinks that the policeman was exceeding his powers .
26 " Then mark this , Master Harry : if you wo n't take Sam here on at fishing , you 'll not have me as a wife .
27 There is also a particular difficulty with care for the unemployed ; not only is the research team unable to use return to work as an end point , but the patient also does not have it as an objective and he has therefore nothing to aim at .
28 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
29 Please do not take it as an example that you may all leap to your feed to make your bids .
30 If a truth is complicated , a character remarks in An Accidental Man ( 1971 ) , ‘ you have to be an artist not to utter it as a lie ’ .
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