Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 There are some pointers to this being an accurate judgement , although the period for which wool and corn prices have been studied in detail does not go further back than 1490 , and therefore does not include what are probably the most serious years of enclosure ( 58 , p.183 ) .
2 I could not believe I was not the only one and it was such a relief .
3 I do not believe it is merely the result of social conditioning that in the Scriptures , in the Jewish and Christian tradition , mankind and the Church is presented as feminine to God , to whom our response must be one of obedience in contrast to those religions in which the divine is regarded as contained within creation and is to be manipulated or cajoled in order to provide what man needs .
4 I defy any woman not to think he is simply the most scrumptious thing on two legs .
5 If it 's not decreasing it 's still the same lump sum is n't it ?
6 And seeing as it was my brainchild , would you not say it was possibly the best commercial of all time ?
7 I do n't think I 'm ever the rosy-cheeked type . ’
8 I do n't think it is only the mothers .
9 I do n't think it 's just the family , I think it 's all the hangers-on .
10 See it 's not the blues that bother me I do n't think it 's just the fact that there 's there might be trouble afterwards .
11 Well I do n't think it 's just the real in fashion what they 're gon na wear it 's only really Mr that is not interested in it
12 I do n't think it was just the change of publisher that did so much for this author , but her works have become more powerful .
13 I ca n't understand why he did n't know you were n't the only woman in Garry 's life . ’
14 Bunny did n't feel it was either the time or the place to mention the half-dozen empty aspirin bottles strewn about the floor of the phone box — their contents were later found heaped like so many loose sweets in the bottom of her handbag — or that she had ‘ popped out ’ in the middle of the scene in Cleopatra 's boudoir .
15 ‘ They have a style of programme with a very good news service but I did n't feel it was quite the vehicle for me , ’ Ewart said .
16 Did n't like she was more the career girl was n't she , I think ?
17 If they do n't match he is n't the thief and he 'll get his job back .
18 Maybe he just did n't think when they showed him it , that it was n't the right one cos I suppose if you 've seen them every day you do n't , it does n't register it 's just the fact that of course your dad only gave him the price of the blue and white
19 ‘ I was fond of your father and I was fond of your brother , but I ca n't say I was ever the least bit fond of you . ’
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