Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not think you even realise the danger you walk towards so willingly . ’
2 I had to conform ; I do not think I ever used the term in my reports , except in parenthesis to denote a sort of dirty word .
3 It did not suit her now to observe the emotional turmoil inside Rose .
4 So we would not overheat they thoughtfully left the doors of the bus open .
5 As a free man in a growing country , it did not take him long to see the potential .
6 ‘ I did not call you here to discuss the offices . ’
7 In Miliutin 's words , " serfdom does not permit us either to reduce the term of service or to increase the number of unlimited leaves so as to diminish the present number of troops " .
8 Some degree of shared morality is essential to this minimum of cohesion , and any weakening of moral belief may reduce it below this minimum ; hence we can not bind ourselves not to use the law to safeguard existing moral beliefs , no matter how peripheral they may appear to be .
9 The Villa Fiesole was a fairly big house and yet it had not taken him long to find the box .
10 It had not taken her long to discover the team 's skills ran to more than mere mountaineering .
11 A memory stirred but he could not place it so pushed the matter to one side .
12 Gover prefers it that way : he could not imagine anyone else running the place .
13 It seems they could not find anyone else to answer the call , so they came to us . ’
14 Because you do n't want anyone else to intercept the letter and steam it open , you put Sellotape over the envelope flap .
15 I do n't think we ever thought the bank would not support us .
16 Lack of money is holding them back — new sounds have to come from fresh effects pedals rather than a sampling machine — but the ambitions are burning : ‘ I do n't think we actually achieve the crossover , ’ admits Sam , with a who-gives-a-flying- f— -shrug , ‘ but that 's certainly what we want to do . ’
17 ‘ I do n't think they really notice the noise themselves , ’ said Bob , slightly irritated that she should presume to call them silly when they were after all his friends .
18 I do n't think anyone ever wants the receipts .
19 I do n't think she ever knew the ins and outs of the matter .
20 I do n't think she ever let the water boil .
21 Love ? she mused , and she did n't think she quite liked the idea of Leo watching her while she slept .
22 I do n't think I really know the answer to that question .
23 I do n't think I ever opened the score .
24 I do n't recall any real feelings of resentment , and I do n't think I fully appreciated the future implications .
25 OK , OK , I 'm coming , put the milkbottles out , powder her nose , do n't let the neighbours see you leave , Ted , ca n't trust them not to tell the welfare and get my money stopped , find Frieda 's windcheater and out they go .
26 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
27 That was the trouble with Mrs Flaherty , you could n't trust her not to say the wrong thing in company , that was one of the reasons why she was the Wrong Element .
28 I do n't know I just pressed the down yeah there was a space and I pressed the down and then I pressed backspace twice and it went back again ah I knew it was something to do with backspace .
29 Do n't expect anybody else to obey the highway code .
30 His parents did n't send him here to have the teachers live his life for him . ’
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