Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] [conj] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We can not afford to assume that all governments , ail public servants , will always be benign and free from corruption .
2 Frederick did not care to see that these ambitions could only be satisfied at Poland 's expense and that they threatened Poland 's existence .
3 She could not help observing that more coins fell into the guitar case behind her than had done before she began .
4 Perhaps he would wait until a baby was on the way , for Mrs Darne had not failed to notice that these days extramarital pregnancy , once a horrible disgrace , was often the loudly publicized occasion for a wedding , with the bride , far from ashamed of herself , carrying all proudly before her .
5 Yeah I never thought of that , yeah I suppose its colder you do n't have to take that many clothes out there do you , cos get out there
6 but it does n't , that does n't mean to say that these associations you know are n't there and that we we should n't would be wrong to point them out .
7 I do n't mean to suggest that such things as scientific monitoring or the use of dowsing rods are inappropriate at ancient sites : rather that we should as far as possible leave our preconceptions behind as we approach and allow the site if it wishes , to speak to us .
8 If all cars are forbidden , I sha n't go entails If all vehicles are forbidden , I sha n't go
9 I ca n't help feeling that some women would prefer a doll than a child , something they can put back in the box when they 're tired of it .
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