Example sentences of "he [modal v] be [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some he may be hearing in future include : Thy food is such as has been breathed on by infected lungs , ( Pericles ) — useful for insulting prison cooks .
2 Psychiatric reports were eventually obtained and recommended that he should be detained in hospital for treatment , not in prison .
3 The sentence was that he should be boiled in oil , the current punishment for prisoners .
4 What we were saying is that so long as those with parental responsibilities consent to J. being treated by the medical staff of the health authority , he must be treated in accordance with their clinical judgment .
5 After all , this man was a tycoon as well as a doctor ; he must be rolling in money .
6 The well-known flash so-and-so Eric Johnson is so happy with his TA100R that he 'll be appearing in Trace Acoustic adverts .
7 Liking Julia as he did , admiring her stringent intelligence , her honesty , the unexpected humility that would never let her give advice unless she was asked for it , and her unfailing reasonableness , it had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her .
8 At one time execution might be made against the debtor 's person , and he could be kept in prison indefinitely in default of payment .
9 Or he could be lying in hospital , his life hanging in the balance , an electronic bleep pulsing in the hushed room .
10 She was just thinking how easy he 'd be to fall in love with , and that she really must n't start cradle-snatching when he said , ‘ Perdita 's seriously good .
11 And now at least he 'd be left in peace to get on with some real work .
12 Later , when he brought the finished clothes back , he 'd be paid in grain .
13 He told me he would be phoning in copy to the Sun although , having no sex angle , they might not be interested .
14 He would be living in college at first — Emmanuel was his own college — but he would like , he said , to find a place of his own , preferably outside the town .
15 He will be advised in writing of the alleged breach and of the matters which the executive will present .
16 ’ Tom , therefore , had to pass through various stages of purification , in which water is the essential element , before he can be reunited in heaven with Ellie , the well-brought-up little girl , into those bedroom in Harthover House he had so unceremoniously descended by way of the chimney .
17 For one thing , absurd as the respect paid Lenin may seem in the West , his works in fact constitute a much looser strait-jacket than did Stalin 's Short Course : composed in the heat of political struggle and fierce polemics , Lenin 's works are far from unambiguous and he can be quoted in support of conflicting interpretations of many secondary issues .
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