Example sentences of "he [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the church , me poor sister was near to swoonin' , our mum 'ad to give 'er smellin'-salts , with 'is reverend the vicar sayin' 'e 'd 'ave to cancel the ceremony .
2 He may choose to have the book bound , but this is by no means an automatic decision .
3 Mystical experience never arrives out of the blue ; it is always influenced by the religious milieu of the mystic , even though he may want to transcend the beliefs and attitudes that he found there .
4 He realizes he may have to change the company 's culture to do it .
5 Though Behr did n't profit directly from his work on the show , he may get to write the book of the show .
6 He may need to have the lump removed .
7 For example , he may strike a match perfectly well but in attempting to light a candle he may try to light the wick with the match unlit or strike the match against the candle .
8 IBM Corp 's new chief executive is being swamped with gratuitous advice on what he should do to turn the company around , but that coming from Stephen Smith , who has tracked the computer industry for PaineWebber Inc for 11 years , is probably worth more of Gerstner 's attention than most .
9 So he should want to know the truth too .
10 Unfortunately , there can be too many project groups ( or ‘ commando groups ’ ) for the good of the total organisation , and a manager 's dilemma is to decide how many project groups he should create to satisfy the needs of his subordinates , and how much bureaucratic organisation structure should be retained for the benefit of the total organisation despite the wishes of his subordinates .
11 The lesser personalities — Clive , Anders , Amelia — were completely absorbed , gone forever unless he should choose to make the effort to reassemble them .
12 If the bailiff knows or ascertains before notice of non-service is sent that the defendant is at another address within the district , he should attempt to serve the summons there and state the new address in his certificate of service ( Ord 7 , r 17(3) ) .
13 However , if someone wilfully refuses to pay the charge , it is right that he should have to pay the price for his illegal action .
14 He was replying to demands that he should resign to pave the way for talks between the Pakistan-based mujahedin resistance and Kabul 's ruling Peoples Democratic Party ( PDPA ) on a peace settlement .
15 But — in Montini 's case there was always a but — he still felt he should try to enable the minority to vote placet on collegiality .
16 Perhaps he should try to play the devil 's advocate ?
17 He says he 'll continue to wind the church clock — but a twenty four year old labour of love is over for good .
18 He 'll decide to study the Pennington report and come to a decision on the recommendations .
19 I hope you know I 'd er see he 'll have to put the back seat of the car down into a van .
20 He 'll have to try the shoes on .
21 He 'll have to try the trousers on .
22 He 'll have to pay the damage .
23 He 's sitting in on behalf of MoD the Army and because he 'll have to walk the dog if he gets home early . ’
24 Once there 's a danger he might decide to eat the picture and choke , stick posters ( or wrapping paper with pictures on ) and family photos around the room .
25 I wondered whether the fact that the buildings had collapsed , were no longer the ordered haven of childhood , helped him to understand that whatever he might do to reinstate the fabric of the place , he would not succeed in re-creating the past .
26 The Doctor looked for a moment as if he might continue to argue the point , but seemed to relax , and turned to Ace .
27 However well suited he might seem to become the patron saint of the IRA , the cap does not fit .
28 In Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 an agreed court order said that the liquidator of a company was to appoint any expert he might select to value the company 's machinery .
29 He might try to justify the principle by appealing to logic , a recourse that we freely grant him , or he might attempt to justify the principle by appealing to experience , a recourse that lies at the basis of his whole approach to science .
30 He might try to play the occasion down , but inside he 'll be desperate to win . ’
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