Example sentences of "he [be] do a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the unpopularity of politicians , John Major is considered one of the best of the political bunch , with 67% agreeing that he is doing a good job as Prime Minister , housewives , particularly , approve of his performance ( 74% ) , which should raise his confidence for the election .
2 Does he think that he is doing a good job in alerting the country to the rapid rate of convergence at which he is aiming in the exchange rate mechanism and the possible move towards European monetary union ?
3 He 's done a great job — and it was a real labour of love , ’ says Mary Jane .
4 The Computer Programmer threw his bat down , in the reckless manner allowed only to one who knows he 's done a good batting job and is respected by his fellows .
5 ‘ I 'm a great disciplinarian , I 'm tough on politeness and all that , but at the end of the day he 's done a good job on himself .
6 ‘ That 's because he 's been part of the package that won the championship , he 's done a phenomenal job and at the moment , he 's quicker in testing than Prost . ’
7 He 's done a big bucketful for me ! ’
8 Yeah , he 's talking about , he 's doing a rockumentary type thing with clips of the gig , that sort of thing .
9 When he goes on the one day in two years that something went wrong , that shows he 's doing a good job . ’
10 He 's a builder fair enough but nevertheless he 's doing a good job .
11 We were all going looks like he 's doing a Romanian thing here .
12 He 's doing a great job supporting his people . ’
13 Miss J. has pretty well run him and now he 's doing a roaring trade and has just married a daughter of Lord Lytton , he 's evidently right in with the right lot of people … and what a God 's mercy that for once in a way these people have got hold of the right man and what a thing for England . ’
14 Motorbikes from Bejing are being imported into Britain by an engineer , and by all accounts he 's doing a roaring trade .
15 He 's doing a big thesis on the border sites , that 's why he 's working at our place for a year or so .
16 He 's doing a fucking runner ! ’
17 He 's doing A level maths right
18 Ronan was entertaining them ; he was a good mimic and this time he was doing a fussy Brother in the school trying to get everyone to sit still in the big hall for a lecture .
19 Yes , well I was on a r a radio programme with him at one time and er and he was telling about some of his sticky stories , and there was one where he was doing a similar job from a farmhouse and he picked the furniture up and had to drive down this long drive to get onto the road and the the farmer , who presumably was the man who felt er an injustice to him was being done as it were , he was on his tractor , saw the van moving down the driveway , took a shortcut to the road edge , and fired a shotgun at his van . .
20 He may have been looking a bit weary , but he was doing a splendid linking job and Whitton found it hard fill the gap .
21 apparently he went , he went round telling everybody erm he was doing a live exercise and he got singed or something but this , this erm , its Browndown on the South Coast and it was , it was a Christ it was a Christmas piss up , regiment Christmas piss up and anything goes , as long as you do n't physically hurt somebody , although that has been known to happen and its not criminal anything goes right , but honestly the worse you do to somebody the worse they do back to you , and people are getting tied bollock naked up the flag poles , dumped in bins , erm , tied in their beds , put out in the middle of the parade ground , fucking all sorts of things you know , like what we can do , the most common thing is nicking , you know the old walking pay slips they 've got
22 I met Pete Waterman first , he was doing a live radio show at a club in Liverpool .
23 He was doing a little minuet and he starts finding out things about his body .
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