Example sentences of "he [be] [v-ing] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bedraggled , barefoot , dressed in dirty white ducks , he looked as though he were hovering on the verge of death .
2 Do you know , I went in there right and the majority of people never took no blind bit of notice then suddenly one person walked through the door , you know , he 's always playing next to me and he sits down , puts his trumpet there , gets his trumpet on ya , sits there , turns round and the next thing he were laying on the floor going
3 Further on , a hundred yards off-shore , as if he were walking on the water , his companion disturbed the glass-still lagoon as he strode through the shallows over a sand bar .
4 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
5 He is perching on the railway , six stops down the line , with a stationmaster he got to know somehow when he was on the town in Petersburg — the Dostoevsky no-home at its most stripped and strange in this novel of aimless movement .
6 Maria learns from the men she drinks with in the cafe that he is hiding on the rooftops .
7 He is knocking on the door of the Ulster team and a good start to the season with Derry would do his representative prospects no harm .
8 However , the bargain must be made well in advance ; it will only undermine your disciplinary strategy if you wait until he is lying on the floor , kicking and screaming and refusing to go to the shops , and then begin promising ice-cream .
9 He is sitting on the corner of the big table in the kitchen , nodding his head and nibbling a dry biscuit , as Shirley Esplin , the flautist , explains about her work to him .
10 ‘ Also , he is playing on the right and thinking ‘ what 's going on here ?
11 He is working on the making of a crystal-wireless set ; he is one of the first men in Scotland to produce one at home .
12 Hard as he is working on the switch , it may be that Bayfield is being groomed in the rigours of international rugby so as to be better able to step into Dooley 's shoes when he finally retires , probably at the end of this season .
13 And there , i Peter when he 's preaching on the day pentecost , he says this is was has happened , God has done just that , just as Jesus promised .
14 ‘ Perhaps he 's saving on the gas bill back at the Vicarage . ’
15 and er he saw the , he was with Trigger he says , he says keep calm , drinking calm , were in here my son , right , and er its the bit where he 's leaning on the bar and the bloke lifts up the bar and he just folds like a tonne of bricks sideways
16 Maybe he 's leaning on the safety rail , with his back to the path and his head bent .
17 ( I met this boy , he 's living on the streets , we stole a boat . )
18 And he 's banging on the engine cos it makes him sick
19 is the bathroom , so she must have been in there cos he 's hammering on the door and bashing it and kicking it .
20 He 's putting on the car alarm , ’ thinks Anna .
21 skipped half the stages or you know how do you feel when he 's working on the board and he skips several lines ?
22 Well , he 's working on the canal now , going 'twixt Bingley and Liverpool , carrying cloth .
23 He 's lying on the ground , and one of the inch-high companions walks in front of his face to verify he 's dead .
24 He 's turning on the set .
25 come down with the stairs to chap , young chap , I told you he 's knocking on the door , it must of been then .
26 He was preaching on the text ‘ The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence , and violent men take it by force ’ .
27 He was leaning on the wall with his arms folded , waiting .
28 He had levered himself up so that he was leaning on the boot of the sports car Scamp had tried to demolish with his shotgun .
29 Yeah , but she said he 's alright and erm I said he 's he was jumping on the chair , should he ought to ?
30 He was laying on the ground for about half an hour .
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