Example sentences of "he [be] [adv] [adv] [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The stitches are out and he is not even having to use crutches .
2 ‘ The stitches are out and he is not even having to use crutches .
3 He 's probably also going to do very well when he gets there .
4 Now he 's decided he 's not just going to act , he 's going to make programmes , too .
5 He grew his first ones as a young child in 1936 and modestly claims he 's only just beginning to get the hang of it now .
6 Bentley — He 's a very strange character , if you find his room open he 's often there waiting to lure you in .
7 He had a mountain to climb and he was jolly well going to reach the top or die in the attempt .
8 He said he wanted to toast a bridesmaid but there were n't any around so he was jolly well going to toast Gill instead .
9 Two of these had earlier been the subject of the intensive case studies ( see Chapter 4 ) ; two had been involved in piloting the questionnaire and the head of another declined to take part in the survey on the grounds that he was just then attempting to introduce a scheme of SSE of his own devising .
10 He was like just being an adviser , he was n't like trying to design it , and I looked at it all for a long time and I said Bembo , which I had never heard of .
11 He was quite a frightening animal to look at , with his sharp white fangs gleaming against his black muzzle , but he was n't really threatening to bite a piece out of Angela — only wanting to play with her .
12 Yet Proust insisted , himself , in a letter to Gide , that he was incapable of narrating anything in which he was not primarily seeking to grasp a general truth .
13 Her heart beat crazily within her as she recalled that the last time she 'd seen him she had hit him with all her might — and from the look of fury on his face he was not easily going to forgive her !
14 Raistrick 's prime interest was in the biochemistry of moulds , and he was not particularly aiming to isolate antibacterial agents from them .
15 He realised that he was quite likely going to drown .
16 The situation brought out the viciousness in him , and I felt he was almost certainly going to alienate Émile for good .
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