Example sentences of "he [be] [verb] [pers pn] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He said er , he 's getting me another metre all round less size round because it 'll be too heavy in that size
2 He 's getting me some fruit cup stuff . ’
3 and he 's doing it all day , seeing
4 ‘ Anyway , it 's hardly a surprise that he 's paying us another visit , is it ?
5 but he 's insuring it this weekend really to be quite honest
6 He was watching it all day on TV .
7 She was completely at a loss to know how to deal with this man — even more at a loss to know just why he was affecting her this way .
8 Because there was nothing left any more for him to care about , and if his attitude over the past forty-eight bours was anything to go by , he was keeping it that way .
9 He 'd answered with some folderol about seeking the ideal woman , but he 'd known the truth even as he was spinning her this tosh , and it was a bitter thing .
10 I was rather surprised that he was asking me these questions .
11 I did fucking , I did five years of normal paperwork and plus for the last three years I did double as well cos I got kicked out of french , so I was in metal work like , four hours of metal work every week the last three three years and , cos I was like nine times out of ten I was the only bloke there , the er , the er metal work teacher got on really well , he was showing me all sorts of stuff and I never got to do the actual metal work lesson
12 I got erm , Hand That Rocks The Cradle , Universal Soldiers and and he was offering me all Jean Claude Van Damm ones
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