Example sentences of "he [conj] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This will be done : ( 1 ) annually in accordance with Revenue requirements ( see Chapter 10 ) ( Clause 12.01 ) ; and ( 2 ) extraordinarily upon the departure of one of the partners in connection with the payment out to him or his estate of the value of his partnership share ( Clause 20.02.1 ) .
2 I did not tell him that his imitation of the French was far more like what I had been seeing for the past year .
3 And his brother he was in the er Spanish Civil War , he was an officer , he was a miner , but he left to join the the Spanish Brigade and er he came back and of course but after the General Strike they would n't neither set him nor his brother on the pits you know .
4 It had given great anxiety to him and his collagues on the bench .
5 It had given great anxiety to him and his collagues on the bench .
6 A taxi had dropped him and his luggage at the main railway station , he had walked in through the entrance with a porter in attendance ; and that was that .
7 Of course to people like Mr. Tully who benefit by the British presence in the occupied part of our country ( a country which was partitioned against the will of the vast majority of our population ) the current whereabouts of Barleycorn is an unpleasant reminder that the Republican movement will not be cowed by threats from the likes of him and his cohorts in the Unionist parties in the failed political entity of Northern Ireland .
8 Skip Iain saw him and his fathe to the title by 21–16 .
9 He spent November at Roxburgh , where he issued letters patent in which he recognized Edward III as lord superior of Scotland and declared that he had already done homage to Edward , in return for which Edward had agreed to maintain and protect him and his heirs in the kingdom .
10 I am walking back to my hotel after dinner with a Bucharest novelist and his family and being graciously escorted by him and his wife through the still evidently dangerous , silent streets .
11 The merchants and better sort sent deputations to the Governor , and the common folk mobbed him and his lieutenants in the streets .
12 Lepine had accompanied the cai who had lured him and his brother to the plantation eighteen months earlier , but despite the feeling of hatred the sight of him inspired Dong scarcely gave the recruiter a second glance .
13 It was only Operation Eagle that saved him and his men from the penal unit they were serving in . ’
14 We wish Mr. Holden well in the coming months and assure him and his family of the continued support of IBOA .
15 The politics of the street , which had played such a large part in putting Ian Paisley into Stormont , had now returned him and his supporters to the streets .
16 Mrs Mentle , the widow of her late husband , gave a short introductory speech in praise of him and his achievements for the club .
17 Had it not been for him and his colleagues at the National Trust many old and historical buildings would have suffered .
18 As the war drew near , and gas masks were issued , an official came to my Grandad 's house to fit him and his housekeeper with the right sized masks .
19 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the hill farmers and raspberry farmers in Tayside look on him and his team as the best champions of their interests ?
20 The European championship win still has him and his fans on the edge of their seats !
21 In an unselfconscious way , it makes a profound statement about him and his place in the world .
22 I had seen newspaper photos of him since his release from the psikhushka , but they had n't prepared me for his gauntness , pallor , baldness .
23 The former defence procurement minister , Alan Clark , 64 , has confirmed that Newbury conservatives have rejected him as their candidate for the forthcoming by-election caused by the sudden death last month of the sitting MP , Judith Chaplin .
24 Any money paid by you to a HCI appointed travel agent under a booking for a holiday in this brochure is held by him as our agent from the date you receive our confirmation of your holiday booking until the agent pays that money over to us .
25 He must have known the looks of bewilderment , horror and disbelief that he would receive from some , and even the militant hostility that might await him when his visit to the Gentile , Cornelius , was discovered .
26 If he and his cohorts at the FA want their ball back , they must crack down harder themselves on all that is bad in football .
27 Here he directly develops the interest which he and his friends in the discussion group had , and which had led to his starting work on the Essay : the relation and interplay between knowledge and reason on the one hand , and faith , belief , and revelation on the other .
28 Major-General Carter B. Magruder stated that he and his colleagues in the Pentagon
29 ‘ Whilst recognising that staff in other parts of AEA would undoubtedly be more concerned , he and his colleagues in the UK and overseas subsidiaries knew that they had to ‘ Keep their eye on the ball , push ahead with product development , sell hard and achieve their demanding targets for growth . ’
30 Will he tell the House just how much effort he and his colleagues in the Department have devoted in recent years to bringing that message home to employers ?
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