Example sentences of "he [verb] her [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Wordlessly , she allowed him to lead her on to the roadway and down the hill towards home .
2 She allowed him to lead her back to the living-room , her defences momentarily lapsed so that when he paused on the threshold to slide an arm around her waist and draw her into his embrace she was too shocked to remonstrate .
3 Kate said nothing , just allowed him to lead her out into the winter sunshine towards the waiting car .
4 Kate knew it was no good resisting , so she meekly allowed him to shepherd her out of the flat down to the basement where he kept his car .
5 She walked with him to the bus-stop , would not let him walk her back to the flat , said not to follow her ; she 'd watch , be angry .
6 She sought his mouth again , wrapping her arms around his neck , offering and receiving a kiss so fierce , impatient and demanding that she clung to him and she lost her balance , fell against him , felt him gather her up against the inflammatory hardness of his body and lift her on to the bed .
7 He soon had it back with Granny 's belongings intact , and I could hardly believe my ears and eyes when I heard her thank him and allow him to lift her back onto the driver 's seat , in gratitude for which she kissed him on the cheek .
8 No , Caroline thought , as she let him lead her down to the ancient ground , no , it had n't .
9 She had earlier persuaded him to allow her out of the bank in Greater Manchester on the pretext of getting the keys to the safe .
10 But instead , she had let him drive her back to the flat ; had stood by in mute acquiescence while he 'd ransacked her drawers and cupboards and packed her a bag .
11 She let him help her down from the carriage and lead her inside a shop where there was a strong , pastoral smell of grain , and Sarah wrinkled up her nose to sniff it .
12 She let him help her off with the mackintosh , hang it in the cupboard in the hall .
13 But he laid her down on the horsehair sofa , and said Mrs Patten would not be in yet , and there was time ; and time there was , and what had happened last night was repeated , once and then again , until she , flushed and dishevelled , pulled down her dress , and said ‘ She is coming .
14 He pinned her down at the CI5 computer centre , and over the phone briefly explained what he and Doyle needed of her .
15 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
16 He nodded , and reaching out for her hand , he led her through into the sitting-room and sat down with her on the settee opposite the picture .
17 He led her up to the bedrooms , the floors and stairs wooden , fans whirring overhead in the steamy heat , mosquito netting over every door and window .
18 Still gripping her wrist , he led her over to the French windows .
19 After he had taken two large brandies , very fast ( too fast for what looked like a very fine marque ) , he led her over to the sofa and sitting beside her , put his arm around her .
20 Still offering no explanation , he led her down to the riverbank and then the rest of the way back to the centre .
21 He led her back into the lounge and steered her to her chair .
22 He led her back into the bedroom and sat her on the chair while he rummaged in the chest .
23 But his reaction was difficult to define because he merely gave a small shrug and , taking Lucy 's hand , he led her back along the path , where the darkness continued to be broken by the moon 's rays filtering through the trees .
24 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer .
25 ‘ There are two sides to our operation , ’ he had explained , when he led her out of the office block and across a bleak enclosed courtyard , where footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow , towards a high windowless wall of corrugated iron .
26 He led her out of the bedroom and onto the terrace where Victoria was waiting .
27 When he got her on to the pavement , she sagged against the school wall and would not move .
28 He propelled her over to the sink and turned on the cold tap , holding her hand beneath it .
29 Belov brought her some broth about an hour later , and he helped her up to the bowl .
30 She was shivering against him , and he helped her back to the fire and bundled her in his own bedroll ; but she kept her arms about him .
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