Example sentences of "he [verb] his [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 These doctors must be grossly overpaid , unless — yes , Toby Latimer clearly had a private income which allowed him to indulge his tastes to the full .
2 His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit .
3 He lowered his heels to the floor .
4 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
5 gave a judgment to the like effect , although he limited his remarks to the ability of a corporation to sue for a libel reflecting on the management of its trade or business .
6 Had he confined his attentions to the Austrian provinces and Bohemia the story might have been very different ; but the nationalism of the Hungarians ( or at least their ruling class ) and the ingrained particularist conservatism of the Netherlands provinces , above all Brabant , proved too much for him .
7 She looked flirtatiously at Urquhart and held his gaze before he dropped his eyes to the table .
8 Before opening the file he added his initials to the readership list gummed to the top right corner .
9 He turned his canvases to the wall and laid down his brushes …
10 Watching her , staring into her eyes , he opened his furs to the breast and cut four lines with the wood , marking himself .
11 He opened his eyes to the quiet darkness , the moonlight , the breeze from the window that his helper had opened .
12 A tall , powerfully built man with short hair and a well-trimmed moustache , he paid his respects to the young gangsters who were technically his enemies .
13 Seeing the betraying movement , his hand slid down to close lightly around her throat ; then he touched his lips to the corner of her mouth with delicate precision before planting a series of soft baby kisses along the clean line of her jaw .
14 He raised his hands to the sky .
15 as if seized with prophetic fire he raised his eyes to the ceiling , and said :
16 Lalande wrote of him in 1763 : ‘ Sisson has been several times in prison for failing to pay his workmen [ of whom Jesse Ramsden , q.v. , was one ] ; he starts many things and finishes nothing : he takes his instruments to the pawnbroker , where they have been seen selling for a tenth of their value .
17 In fat he owed his flocks to the overruling of God , and to the practice of selective breeding which the dream revealed .
18 He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate , thus fulfilling a youthful ambition .
19 But apart from that , he offered his skills to the highest bidder and would produce any type of paper to order .
20 He tapped his feet to the music .
21 I am reminded of the ant who asked the centipede in what order he put his feet to the ground .
22 Moran was the best player and mostly won but that night he attributed his winnings to the cards he had been dealt .
23 He puts his lips to the lip of the glass
24 He gave his condolences to the widow and said that he hoped whoever had perpetrated this terrible deed would soon be brought to justice .
25 When his team played at home he confined his break-ins to the London area .
26 Will he extend his congratulations to the West Midlands police , who have civilianised 413 posts since 1985 ?
27 All well and good until he extends his ideas to the god Uranus , which he enthusiastically does .
28 Will he turn his eyes to the country as a whole and to the north — to the West Riding and my own constituency , where the health service is thought to be one of the best in Europe ?
29 He set his hands to the chair arms , as if about to rise .
30 With an effort he redirected his thoughts to the problem of what films the Palladium should show in the near future .
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