Example sentences of "he [verb] the [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 But as I watched him pick his way along the lifeless paths , I understood how much of him expected the whole world to be mournful now that Montaine had abandoned it .
2 There is no-one to round him off , hold him back and help him to lessen the inevitable path to the eccentricity .
3 Will 1991 see him take the final step to greatness ?
4 Lapworth was passionate in his search for truth and exactness in the solution of geological problems , and diplomatic in his presentation , gifts which enabled him to propose the accepted solution to a famous controversy .
5 Mr Browning out of the kindness of his heart and because Mr Landor I believe was once his champion when no one thought anything of him brought the old gentleman to Siena and prevailed upon Mr Story his friend to take him in .
6 Born the son of a bank official , he was 23 when he made the five-week voyage to Britain aboard the Northern Star armed with an Auckland University degree to take up his scholarship place at Balliol College , Oxford , in the early 1960s .
7 And on MONDAY he tackles the 23-mile stretch to Lytchett Minster , with Bournemouth beckoning .
8 He hugged the old tailor to him , kissing his cheek while the tears rolled from his eyes .
9 As he scanned the laden shelves to left and right , there was suddenly a sound like a hundred ball-bearings being dropped from a height on to the bare floorboards .
10 He beat Martin Molony 's record of 92 wins in 1950 , that red letter day arriving on a Sunday in November when he rode the Ulster-owned Atone to a victory at Fairyhouse .
11 Once again he led the storming party to the checkout flourishing the swipe card .
12 Will he make the appropriate representations to his colleagues at the Department of Transport ?
13 Well , he posted the finished text to his publishers from Istanbul about three weeks after he arrived there .
14 With what seemed super-human strength and control he drew the short sword to the left , then back to the right , his intestines spilling out onto the cobbles .
15 Of Dustin 's performance , though , Clive Barnes in The New York Times wrote , ‘ He has the strange ability to be himself on the stage .
16 He has the heavenly Spirit to be his teacher .
17 He needs the main artery to his heart replacing .
18 He needs the main artery to his heart replacing .
19 He told the whole story to Marc , he said , and there was another row , with Marc calling him everything under the sun .
20 Furthermore , in his continued discussion of the problem in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego he likens the manic state to festivals such as the Roman Saturnalia , ‘ which owe their cheerful character to the release which they bring ’ .
21 Bede says that he reduced the southern Saxons to a more grievous servitude on the death of Berhthun ( HE IV , 15 ) , and the situation in Kent may have been similar , the kingdom reduced to economic and political disarray.27
22 He trudged the long road to Keswick or often to Wythburn where the carrier , Jackson , would take him to Keswick when the Exhibition was held annually .
23 He committed the Soviet Union to a policy directed at removing the military bases and armed forces of outside powers from foreign territories .
24 How much more your Heavenly Father will he give the Holy Spirit to those who ask of him ?
25 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
26 The former Lord Chancellor , Lord Hailsham , said he believed the scientific community to be a responsible one .
27 He hauled the sobbing boy to his feet .
28 He handed the precious jar to Mary .
29 As he opened the front door to his rooms , his shirt collar was slightly damp .
30 He opened the connecting door to the garage and stepped quickly into the darkness , feeling his way around the car and to the sliding door , which he moved open a few inches , allowing himself to slip out into the night .
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