Example sentences of "he [verb] never [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sight of them would be enough to give designers of air balls , gels and energy return systems the jitters , and although he has never measured his mileage , he estimated he had run at least 25,000 miles in them , and possibly more !
2 This Jessica woman — he assumed it must be Jessica , he 'd never heard her name for sure until tonight — had been in danger of getting her face poked down her throat , was all .
3 He 'd never seen his mother or his father reading it , but once he had opened it himself .
4 But he 'd never had his leg over , not once in all those years .
5 It was interesting too , she realised , that he 'd never allowed his sister to dispose of them either .
6 He 'd never shortened her name , or been a demonstrative man , and she still found it almost impossible to guess what he was thinking .
7 As for MCC members ( ‘ those so-and-sos ’ ) , he vowed never to raise his bat to them again after they averted their collective gaze from him after his ‘ pair ’ against Australia in '81 .
8 On learning the reason for his predecessor 's dismissal he decided never to put his livelihood at risk by getting friendly with any of the Girls .
9 He had never seen her mother or her aunt so he could n't look for family resemblances .
10 He had never seen her move so fast .
11 Though he had never seen their cottage he seemed to remember that his aunt had told him that it lay about two miles to the south .
12 He shook his head , not understanding , knowing only that he had never seen his father sleeping .
13 Nigel remembered he had never liked her body .
14 He had never caused her breath to catch in her throat or her mouth to dry with a mixture of hope and dread that he might reach for her .
15 Jean-Paul hesitated ; he had never reciprocated his mother 's old affection for him , and he now felt positive dislike .
16 He had never questioned their presence , but now he realised that it had oppressed him .
17 He knew that he would make his way towards the tannery , and hoped that the woman — he had never asked her name — would be there at this hour .
18 Joshua did not think that ‘ Worthy ’ Evans was the sort to stray , but then he had never met his secretary .
19 Lee had inherited a little of his father 's Oriental patience — although he had never met his father , who had apparently run one of the infamous Opium Dens in Whitechapel — and was quite content to sit , absorb the heat , and listen to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled , content in his own company .
20 He had never heard her talk like that before , at least not to him .
21 He had never heard its like before .
22 He had never lacked his measure of kindness .
23 He had never used my name previously .
24 He had never recovered his position at court ( perhaps that was not surprising , given the rumours that linked his name with Judith 's in 830 ) .
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