Example sentences of "he [verb] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Havel 's recent writings and statements show how he has gone forward into the politics implicit in such a view of society .
2 Hypnotists working for the police ask an individual , most commonly a witness or a victim , to imagine that he has gone back to the time of the crime .
3 The twentieth-century preference for ‘ the colloquial ’ in poetry may well be a temporary phenomenon ; Donald Davie 's Purity of Diction in English Verse ( 1952 ) , together with his admiration for the late Augustans , represent one attempt to revive an interest in the use of a ‘ civilized ’ diction ; it is interesting that he has to go back to the age before Wordsworth .
4 In the meantime he has to go back to the town on further business , but first his horse needs shoeing , his cart needs repairing and he needs food and shelter .
5 He says he 's feeling better but he has to go back to the hospice .
6 My mate who is driving me to the match tomorrow says he wants to go straight to the ground so I wo n't be able to get to the Adelphi .
7 In his home town , Mr Edwards is a noted singer and says that he wants to go down in the programme as performing a selection of songs from Carousel and also Holy City .
8 He wants to go back to the base camp before we push on towards Finland .
9 He loves to go down to the factory floor and see the products being made .
10 No , he 'd gone up to the traffic lights and this cyclist sort of like cycled up , jumped off his bike and wheeled it round the corner so he
11 ‘ It 's all right — I was n't at all happy about the arrangements either , ’ Laura agreed , before explaining that when Ross had returned to New York he 'd gone straight to the hospital from the airport , before eventually returning to the empty apartment .
12 He 'd gone over to the hedge that ran along each side of the white lodge and he 'd sat down .
13 Well I wondered if he 'd wa he 'd gone out on the Nottingham cos I wondered what would happen to the mascot was he shot the mascot , after the the game ?
14 and he was let out and first , within twenty four hours he 'd gone down to the South Coast and killed his mother and his girl friend
15 He 'd gone back into the hotel , trying to act casually , and had hovered in reception looking at the magazines in the hardcovers , watching the man explaining to the people in the hut and coming back inside , which confirmed Cormack 's suspicions .
16 He liked his porter , but if he 'd gone back to the stable …
17 no did n't like how he grouted it because she said there , things like a little nick in the tile , if he 'd gone in with the grouting it would n't of shown any and he did n't
18 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
19 He was climbing on the barrier so he came to go back into the room to tell you what he was doing when Dale fell . ’
20 He turned to go back along the gallery , then stopped and looked back at her .
21 He turned to go out of the room .
22 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
23 He keeps going on about the murder . ’
24 but he keeps going up to the gnomes and saying hello is that no he come home the other night and the , we , no the other day Sam he tipped all the bloody soil out of the earth and done something else , he said he 's a naughty boy and she 's said to Sam he wants a smacking he said I 'm not smacking him
25 He 's also begun to more fully explore the reasons he keeps going back to the mountains despite the terrible cost they have inflicted .
26 He started going on about the life insurance .
27 He started going out with the girl who introduced him to drugs in the early 1980s .
28 Yeah , yeah , well he 's I interviewed him er last year and he was telling me that he remembers going up into the loft in 's erm , the whole of the station yard was full of cattle .
29 He decided to go straight into the wood without consulting Bigwig , and to trust that the rest would follow .
30 He decided to go on to the second and third caves , determined to find what he was looking for .
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