Example sentences of "he [verb] see [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If Rohan needed to have a private word with her , why had n't he arranged to see her at the house instead ?
2 Since then , they estimate that he has seen something in the region of 70 doctors .
3 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
4 The reason for this is that ( in many cases ) the client becomes aware of the proposed legislation either because he has been served under the General Orders with a notice as being directly affected , or because he has seen it in the local newspaper or Gazette advertisement .
5 I think the reason he dresses as an Edwardian is because he wants to see himself as a dashing young stage door Johnny . ’
6 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
7 He asked the old man if he knew Miss Lavant , if he 'd seen her at the fete , in clothes with buttercups on them .
8 He went up , and it 's first time he 'd seen her for a while and she said something about , oh he was supposed to have something but he got to hear this well it 's got nothing to do with all the others .
9 She stared at him and , as her eyes met his , once again , like the moment he 'd seen her in the pool , she seemed unable to look away .
10 He recognised Kurz and Hinterstoisser , he 'd seen them at the hotel ; strikingly handsome fellows , especially Kurz , an officer of the Wehrmacht , blue-eyed , blond-haired .
11 He 'd seen it in a junk-shop in Edinburgh and brought it all the way down .
12 He came to see me after the performance — several times , in fact . ’
13 One could easily imagine that a visit by Dustin to Anne 's parents in Westchester would be similar to the scene in Annie Hall when Woody Allen has Easter dinner with his girlfriend 's cold and formal WASP family , who he imagines see him as a rabbi .
14 And she , too , had something of the precision and contrived charm of a doll with an almost round head poised ’ on a long delicate neck , a snub nose with a splatter of freckles , a small mouth with a full upper lip beautifully curved and a bristle of cropped hair , originally fair but with bright orange tips which caught the sun and trembled in the breeze so that the whole head seemed for a moment to have a vivid life separated from the rest of her body and , the image changing , he had seen her as a bright exotic flower .
15 He had recognised her at once when he had seen her at the funeral , and even then her looks , though pale and wan , had surprised him with their purity .
16 A little better ; he had seen her in a few more moods , some higher , some lower .
17 It was possible that he , too , had not troubled himself with thoughts of her real life until he had seen her in the garden with Ben .
18 Their Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus from the West Indies had been lost but he had seen one in the physic garden at Amsterdam where , with proper management , it was in great vigour .
19 He had seen him in the city .
20 He had never been this close to him before , though of course he had seen him from a distance on parade , the short , brisk figure in green and white , dwarfed by the forest of cocked hats around , yet somehow contriving to dominate them all .
21 He had seen them through the gates .
22 He had seen them through the lean years , and here now was a good harvest .
23 He had seen them at the County Show , where he had gone for the rabbits , all those girls with plaits and scrubbed faces and clean gloves , doing an exhibition ride .
24 Leslie was aware that most people " can not Read at all " , but said he had seen them in the streets " Gather together about one that can Read " and listen to a newspaper being read aloud .
25 The man standing by my side said that he had seen them behind the terminal .
26 He had seen himself as a man with everything to lose , opposed by the Sinn Feiners who had nothing to lose .
27 In his deliberations whether to sell or keep on the mill as a holiday home he had seen it as a refuge from London , eccentric and remote , providing a temporary escape from the demands of his job and the pressures of success .
28 Last summer was in Peter 's mind too , he had seen it as a failure , here he was going to put it right , he was enjoying the fear , he was Jamie dogfighting in the sky , he was very calm , very cold .
29 He had seen it from the outside .
30 She 'd rather he continued seeing her as a thief than that .
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