Example sentences of "he [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then Travis moved on to his back , drawing her with him to rest her head in the angle of his shoulder .
2 She made no answer , letting him read her opinion from the scornful lift of her eyebrows , not trusting herself to speak .
3 As Penry 's breathing quickened she pushed herself closer without shame , desperate to keep him with her , fired with triumph at getting her own way rather than with sexual response when he laid her flat on the bed .
4 He accuses her of changing her story ; he challenges her transcript of the interview , asks about an apparent change in her typewriter typeface , about her practice of reusing tapes .
5 She raised one leg to make things easier , and he caught her thigh in the crook of his elbow , hoisting it up .
6 Instead he used her remark as the perfect occasion for a quarrel .
7 He lifted her jacket from the back of her chair , inviting her to wear it .
8 This time there was no denying the speculative gleam in his eye as he studied her figure through the folds of the towelling robe .
9 He drove her right to the door of the villa .
10 I eased off her sandals while he turned her head on the pillow and cupped his hand round her mouth .
11 She relates her ‘ dream ’ to Jip and he confirms her interpretation of the episode , for in their realist world , ‘ only dreams mix real and fantasy items ’ ( 139 ) .
12 He touched her thigh over the sheet , and gave her a smile full of meaning .
13 He heard her key in the door and a minute later she was in the kitchen .
14 Edward appeared at the door of his study as soon as he heard her key in the door .
15 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
16 He saw her as he called her name for the third time .
17 He guided her hand to the hard surface of his chest and placed it above his heart .
18 Instead , he grabbed her head between the palms of his hands , and forced his prong back into her mouth .
19 As he watched her squeeze through the stile and walk forward with the others , she seemed strange and unreal , like something he had imagined when he was a very little boy .
20 He watched her climb up the first flight of the stairs , saw her stop and turn back towards him .
21 ‘ That 's some sort of women , ’ thought Sid , as he watched her skip up the kitchen steps and disappear into the bright sunlight of the car park .
22 Probably he took her nothingness for the numbness of shock .
23 He saw her fumble with the back fastening of her dress , and went over .
24 She told how he kept her prisoner in the bunker for a week when she refused to pay up .
25 The laughter still in his eyes , he put her case on the ottoman at the foot of the bed , turned and went out .
26 Taking it slowly , watching the wire for any tendency to break , he hoisted her body into the air .
27 He tore her dress on the taxi journey back to her flat , and after a tussle , finally , standing on the pavement at three a.m. he realized that she really would n't allow him in .
28 After that he greeted her like an old friend each morning ; she did n't mind , it was dull talking to Magnus who seldom listened , and he gave her protection from the intense political views of the Afghan 's owner .
29 The calling continued for a few moments and then , with a cry of ‘ bitch ’ , to her horror , Nicky Scott Wilson began to make the most blood-curdling noise as he bayed her name to the night sky , like a wolf .
30 He carried her case into the room she had chosen and she caught her breath as their eyes met .
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