Example sentences of "he [verb] she [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She wrote that she was dying of a fever , and asked him to visit her for the first and last time .
2 Let him see her as the successful career-woman she was .
3 She let him drown her in the deep water , too weak even to raise her hands to cling to him .
4 ‘ A few seconds , ’ she replied , allowing him to help her onto the adjacent bar stool .
5 Forcing herself to assume a composure she was far from feeling , Gina allowed him to usher her from the small lobby behind the front door into a living-room of graceful proportions .
6 This time there was no need for him to force her up the dark steps of the barn ; she walked in front of him determinedly .
7 She let him accompany her into the small lounge where the set was kept in segregation from the vocal and gregarious fishermen , and settle her in a comfortable chair , cheek by jowl with a single elderly lady , who seemed pleased to have company , and disposed to conversation .
8 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
9 He enveloped her in a large towel and began a vigorous and painful rubbing .
10 He met her at a literary dinner a couple of weeks later .
11 He led her to a tiny table in one corner , and she resolutely ignored the fact that nearly everyone else — the place was surprisingly crowded — wore slinky and fashionable black .
12 He led her to a shady café , where small tables were set out in the shadow of some tall plane trees , whose leafy patterns fell over the white tables .
13 He led her to a waiting taxi and , as he held the door for her , for a brief instant their eyes met .
14 He led her to the far room where she had found Leo .
15 He led her to the last desk in the line , on which she could see a sheaf of pink sheets of paper .
16 Placing a hand on her shoulder , he led her to an ornate , gilded mirror hanging above the carved stone fireplace .
17 He did n't speak as he led her through a stone-floored hallway to a sweeping staircase .
18 He led her through the crowded flat to the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine .
19 ‘ Pringle 's used to have a Directors ' Dining Room , with their own cook , ’ Wilcox explained as he led her through the drab corridors of the administration block , and out across a yard where fresh snow was already covering the footpath that had been cleared .
20 He led her at a good trot through the country lanes , by Bramfield and Tattle Hill , through Thieves Lane to Hertingfordbury .
21 He led her into a large room where a floor-to-ceiling window gave out on a garden dominated by a fountain and a single curving oak , its tracery of branches lavish against the steel grey sky .
22 As he led her towards the wood-and-thatch building by the roadside , Isabel contemplated another night in fitzAlan 's company .
23 Tugging her gently , he seated her on the low stone wall .
24 He found her in a small kitchen .
25 His eyes were ice-bright , and pierced her like twin blades as he regarded her for a long moment .
26 " I 'm sorry , can I … " she motioned towards the door , and he helped her through the packed people , using his elbow to get them out of the way .
27 He helped her in a two-year battle against cancer and to come to terms with her double mastectomy .
28 Lifting her with effortless strength to her feet , he cradled her against the hard strength of his own body .
29 She giggled when his second attempt ended in the same way , and when he grasped her in a great bear hug , she was able to slip away as easily as if it were a child holding her .
30 He stopped her with an impatient gesture .
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