Example sentences of "he [verb] not [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 My husband 's sent for the doctor but he has n't arrived yet to confirm it . ’
2 ‘ It 's someone who 's lost his job , ’ says Rose , ‘ and he has n't got anywhere to live . ’
3 He 's got something malignant , cancer , and he has n't got long to live anyway . ’
4 An expert on altitude sickness says he has n't got long to live .
5 We must make sure he has not recoiled only to spring out more strongly .
6 If the expert is obliged by earlier agreement to give reasons , then he must do so : if he has not agreed beforehand to give reasons , he can not be compelled to do so : see 13.7.8 .
7 Mr Arnold questioned why he had not tried harder to set up a system for receiving such information more swiftly .
8 One thing was clear , though , from that stealthiness of Adam 's : he had n't come here to ask Ben Hesketh for the cup .
9 He had n't come here to bring her a birthday present !
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