Example sentences of "he [verb] [to-vb] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , an upbringing which gave Alexander II many qualifications for the tasks which confronted him failed to conceal the fact that he was not very gifted at all .
2 Section 320 Companies Act 1985 provides that if a director of a company or its parent or holding company , or a person connected with him , enters into a contract with the company , under which the director or person connected with him agrees to purchase the company or assets ( other than cash ) of the company exceeding a certain value , then the contract must be approved in a general meeting by ordinary resolution .
3 In one case an immigrant who was present in Britain was denied judicial review of a decision not to give him leave to enter the country because of the existence of a right of appeal which could only be exercised if the immigrant left Britain .
4 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
5 He failed to control the ball when intercepting a pass from Chris Malkin 30 yards from goal and Pat Nevin nipped in and slipped away to guide a shot inside goalkeeper Kevin Poole and the near post .
6 He failed to realize the difference and his blank expression made her smile .
7 At first he failed to recognise the voice and shouted , ‘ I 'm here .
8 He tried to leave the chair and go , but did n't badly enough want to , and carried on with a furious daydream of what the trades-union movement might come to represent again in England , although England was only half his country .
9 ‘ Our client touched the ground on the island while he tried to control the dog and received a very strong electric shock .
10 He tried to force the joviality that was usually so easy .
11 He tried to divide the darkness and catch some glimpse of her response , but his sight was a poor explorer and returned from the unknown without news .
12 He tried to scream the name but his throat felt as if it had been cauterized with a hot iron .
13 Lopsided and vulnerable , he tried to climb the barrage and get to the second balloon .
14 He tried to cut the money that states received er to a marginal degree .
15 When a choreographer wishes to make a statement about dance that is inspired by a piece of music , he has to answer the question as to what style of dance is appropriate .
16 ‘ So many people agree with others for the sake of it but Eric ca n't do that and he has to tell the truth and say what he 's feeling even if that is ‘ no ’ and it upsets people .
17 ALAN Shearer is Britain 's costliest player — now he has to handle the pressure that goes with his £3.6m price tag .
18 Making an awkward little gesture towards the cupboard under the sink , she stepped back hastily as he bent to collect the dustpan and brush .
19 He wants to swim the channel because it 's always been his dream .
20 He wants to grasp the nature or the practice of ideology scientifically and characterizes ‘ ideology ’ as whole , unified by its problematic and dependent on the social situation in which it occurs .
21 " A man who wants to talk at large about smoke may have to pick his words very carefully if he wants to exclude the suggestion that there is also a fire : but it can be done . "
22 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
23 He seemed to understand the silence and glanced over , a weak smile flickering on his face .
24 Then he seemed to change the subject as he continued , ‘ You surely do n't think I plan just to sit around and do nothing about getting my speedboat back , not to mention my cousin ?
25 He stooped to push the grass and ferns back .
26 He chooses to remove the disorder and chaos from His creation .
27 Never before has he dared to question the sensornet or insult another officer so openly . ’
28 The strange occurrence was uppermost in Jack 's mind the following night and he determined to catch the intruder if he returned .
29 Leporello is hiding under the table when Giovanni meets his just desserts ; he survives to tell the tale and to join in the final ensemble warning the audience to take heed of the libertine 's dreadful fate .
30 He began to realize the possibility that he was being taken for a ride , that he was the stooge in a deadly game in which he was not being allowed to play a part .
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