Example sentences of "he [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] and the " in BNC.

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1 He lowered his eyes and the smile never happened .
2 He clapped his hands and the steward suddenly reappeared .
3 ‘ At his gate he was welcomed by his wife to whom he recounted his triumphs and the number of heathen he had slain .
4 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
5 The burning black eyes skimmed over her and one dark brow rose ironically as he noted her trousers and the masculine shirt with rolled-up sleeves , the glorious hair piled ruthlessly on top of her head .
6 But then , like the lama , he discovers his disabilities and the constraints of life to be the very conditions for experiencing the validity of transfiguration — the two are concomitant .
7 He nodded his thanks and the men laid her back on the table .
8 A week after the attack , he informed his ministers and the country of his intention to modify the constitution .
9 He pressed his lips and the faint touch of his teeth farther up my thigh .
10 ‘ Cassie … ’ he said warningly , but he saw her tears and the amusement died from his face .
11 He clicked his fingers and the two Highlanders stepped forward .
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