Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Terry was coaching Barcelona and I went over to visit him , he asked me to bring a few pounds of good old English pork sausages because he was missing his bangers and mash for tea , ’ he explained .
2 He wants me to tell the same traveller 's tales as 'im and 'is mates — the artful hound !
3 He says they have a few pounds to trim off the engine but that will be achieved by Imola .
4 All the pictures he showed me looked the same messy blur but he insisted he could make out the individual features of each person .
5 He 's not Robinson Crusoe , there are other old newspaper owners so he will say okay the government in Australia is doing what I like , therefore my newspapers or usually most of my newspapers , in fact one or two of them wo n't , will support that government and that government can be totally different one in the United States where in the Washington Post or you know in the New York Post or whatever will go and attack or support because he thinks it 's in the less interest that his commercial interest and the U S because he sees us doing the same thing there .
6 He beckoned her to do the same .
7 Philip at first took no notice of what he said ; but when he heard him repeat the same thing several times , and saw he was greatly upset by the horse being sent away , eventually replied : ‘ Are you criticising those who are older than yourself , as if you knew more , and were better able to manage him than they ? ’
8 But when he talked he looked the same as he had always done ; eager , intent , screwing up his boneless nose , gesturing with broad , stubby-fingered hands .
9 He hit that big vehicle and then he hit me add a few other cars behind me .
10 He knew so little about the serf question that at first he thought it involved no more than granting the peasants their personal freedom .
11 I asked whether he thought he had the same difficulties as his father :
12 Jack froze , not knowing what he should do , and when he looked at Steve beside him , he knew he felt the same .
13 I blurted out to Dominic how I had been feeling and to my astonishment and relief he said he felt the same — trapped and resentful . ’
14 He said he had a few days ’ work for me , five hundred and expenses .
15 He said he had the same ability as Wino but pointed out that he ( Gray ) was injured at 16 and never fully recovered , so his potential would have been even greater than it turned out .
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