Example sentences of "he [verb] [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He has a very good knowledge and superb technique which enable him to sue every second of studio time .
2 At a committee dinner held in his honour the day following his 90th birthday , Percy was told that the committee would like him to accept the role of branch president , and a commemorative plaque was presented to him to mark the occasion .
3 If you invited him to make one at a dinner-party , you expected him to talk intelligibly ; if he published a volume of poems you expected him to write the sort of thing that the average well-educated man could understand because it came within the orbit of his own experience .
4 Don Peters knew when he went to the podium that the odds were stacked heavily against him gaining the support of Nate Cocello and the committee .
5 I will teach him to discover the fire of youth , and love , and life . ’
6 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
7 Here the constable told the driver that there was no device available at the station for taking specimens of breath and then simply required him to provide a specimen of blood .
8 They heard him give a cry of wonder from the other side and followed him .
9 This contact made him study the issue of conformity to the established church .
10 With surprise he watched him consume a lot of macaroni .
11 By looking for faults in his behaviour , by constantly diminishing him with little criticisms — he neglected their boy ( at school in Randung ) , he was cold , he was selfish , he was an inadequate and clumsy lover ( did she dare ) , he never listened to other people , he had no sense of direction because he was always getting her lost in foreign capitals — she made him feel a kind of leper , different from and inferior to the run of men .
12 Then one afternoon at Scotch College , a school-friend asked him to play a game of rugby .
13 I say that the greatest tragedy in the world today is that God had made man in his image and made him to worship him , made him to play the harp of worship before the face of God day and night , but he has failed God and dropped the harp .
14 Since his privateering interests encouraged him to favour the continuance of war , they may have balanced the pension from Spain in forming his attitude to the peace negotiations .
15 Dryden makes him sound a monument of dullness ; in reality he is brisk , lively and journalistic .
16 My hope is a more settled and competent defence this season will help him re-gain a lot of confidence .
17 He believed that the perfume of plants held magical forces and plant spirits whose power would help him concoct the elixir of life .
18 His belief in spontaneous generation led him to publish The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms ( 1871 ) , The Beginnings of Life ( 1872 ) , and Evolution and the Origin of Life ( 1874 ) .
19 Anderson himself , in scene five , remarks on the fact that language allows him to 'show off a bit " ( p. 63 ) but this comment occurs in the context of his longest turn , which is the most obvious example of him violating the maxim of manner .
20 In examples such as this , de Man 's argument coincides with Nietzsche 's , allowing him to use the mode of paraphrase , which is characterised by a degree of authorial absence .
21 By the end of our discussion , however , he was still prepared to go on thinking about an editorial involvement — I ( mis ? ) led him to believe the amount of work could be contained and he would be given good backing by OUP .
22 Leopold had already written to Padre Martini urging him to send a letter of recommendation to the Elector and , since Munich was on Mozart 's route from Paris to Salzburg , he suggested that his son intimate to the Elector , or to a close associate , that he had been offered a post at Salzburg with a salary of 700 or 800 gulden ( the actual salary was only 450 ) in the hope that a more rewarding appointment might be offered .
23 Thus if I break a promise for my own convenience , I fail to treat the person to whom I made it as an end in himself , for I can hardly expect him to endorse a principle of action which allows him to be treated thus .
24 This did not lead him to question the principle of majority decisions ; but it did lead him to pay attention to the social , cultural and economic conditions in which the will of all , or the will of the majority , would be more rather than less likely to coincide with " the general will " , by which Rousseau meant what all of us would will if we thought of ourselves not as private individuals but as citizens identifying ourselves with the good of the community .
25 It was essential for him to keep the support of Congress in dealing with the Depression , and Congress in the 1930s was determined to keep out of the overseas conflicts .
26 It occurred to him that if she belonged to Gary , there was nothing to stop him taking a sort of family ownership too .
27 So this , in turn , led him to revise the laws of nature .
28 Lucy 's colour rose as memory of lying on the bed beside him sent a wave of desire through her , but she pushed the yearning away , making an effort to speak calmly .
29 The same day , Mobutu warned the conference against this course , asserting in a statement read on national radio that under the present Constitution it was for him to appoint the head of government .
30 CPRW hopes that the Secretary of State will grasp the opportunity now before him to alter the pattern of development which has characterised this site for several decades , by challenging once and for all the aspiration of the current and any future owner , to establish a large and permanent residence for their tourist operations on the cliffs above Amroth .
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